Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Admission to the University

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A. Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Refugees)
B. Degree-Seeking Undergraduate International Students
C. Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Student
D. Programs for High School Students
E. Academic Amnesty
F. Students Seeking Professional Certification

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette maintains several avenues to higher education for members of the community it serves. Students come to the University with a variety of individual goals and personal aspirations. The University, through its admission policy and the programs it offers, provides an opportunity for students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Every attempt is made to address directly the needs of the individual while providing the flexibility necessary for full service to the community. Admission into the University does not guarantee admission into a specific College or specific degree program within a designated College. No student shall be denied admission to the University because of race, color, religion, age, sex, handicap, or national origin. The University, however, reserves the right to deny admission to any student whenever such action is deemed in the best interest of that student and the University community.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette invites all students who wish to be considered for undergraduate admission to apply.

A. Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students (U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Refugees)

A degree-seeking undergraduate student is one who wishes to pursue a baccalaureate degree through one of the undergraduate colleges of the University. Non-international students may be admitted in one of several categories: first-time freshman, transfer student, re-entry student, or re-entry by transfer student.

Applicants whose ACT/SAT scores, high school units and/or grade point average appear to meet the stated admissions requirements will be granted provisional acceptance, pending receipt of the final high school transcript. A final admission status will be given on receipt of the high school transcript showing completion and graduation.

A student applying for admission as a first-time freshman must:

  • Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission by the published application deadline date of the semester for which admission is sought. A non-refundable fee (refer to Admissions for fees) must accompany the application for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and refugees.
  • Present the minimum of a sixth semester high school transcript for initial consideration. The final and official high school transcript must be presented upon graduation.
  • Take and present valid results of the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). For admission purposes, ACT/SAT scores are considered valid for a period of five years.
  1. Admission as a First-Time Freshman (In-State)
    First-time freshmen who have graduated from a state approved or recognized accredited high school will be eligible for admission if they meet the following standards:
    1. Qualification for either Freshman English or College Math. No remedial courses. Students who earn a Math score of 19 on the ACT (460 on the Math SAT), are eligible to enroll in College. Students who earn an English ACT score of 18 (450 on the Verbal SAT) are eligible to enroll in Freshman English.
    2. Successful completion of the 19 units constituting the Louisiana Board of Regents high school core 4 curriculum.
      Course (Units)
      English-English I, II, III, IV (4)
      Mathematics-Algebra I (one unit) or Applied Algebra I; Algebra II, Geometry (or Applied Geometry), acceptable fourth math (Financial Math, Math Essentials, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Advanced Math-Functions and/or Statistics, Discrete Math, etc). (4)
      Science-Physical Science or Integrated Science or Physics I or Physics II or Physics of Technology I or Physics of Technology II or Aerospace Science or Biology II or Chemistry II or Earth Science or Environmental Science or Agriscience II or Anatomy and Physiology or approved elective (including approved IBC-related course) (4)
      Social Studies-Civics or AP American Government + Free Enterprise (1/2 unit each), American History, World History or World Geography or Western Civilization or AP European History,World History or World Geography or Western Civilization or AP European History or Law Studies or Psychology or Sociology or Civics (second semester, 1/2 unit) or African American Studies or approved IBC-related course (Religion I, II, III, IV for non public schools) (4).
      Fine Arts Survey-Fine Arts Survey or one unit of music, dance, theatre, or approved IBC-related course (1)
      Foreign Language-(two units in the same language or 2 speech courses)
    3. Have at least a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
    4. One of the following requirements: Have a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or higher or an ACT composite of 23 (SAT 1050 Critical Reading and Math).
  2. Admission as a First-Time Freshman (Out-of-State or Home Schooled)
    1. Qualification for either Freshman English or College Math. No remedial courses. Students who earn a Math score of 19 on the ACT (460 on the Math SAT), are eligible to enroll in College Math. Students who earn an English ACT score of 18 (450 on the Verbal SAT) are eligible to enroll in Freshman English. If English ACT less than 18, must successfully complete remedial English no later than the summer semester immediately following high school graduation. If math ACT less than 19, must successfully complete remedial math no later than the summer semester immediately following high school graduation.
    2. Have at least a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
    3. Out-of-state or home schooled students applying for freshman admission must meet one of the following requirements for admission: meet the in-state student requirements above including completing all 19 units of the Louisiana Board of Regents high school Core 4 Curriculum or successfully complete 17 of 19 credits from the required Core 4 Curriculum with a core grade point average of 2.5 and have a 23 ACT composite or have at least an ACT composite of 26 or 1170 SAT Critical Reading and Math.
  3. Admission as an Adult First-Time Freshman
    1. Ages 25 and Over.
      A degree-seeking first-time freshman 25 years of age or older, who does not meet the University’s standard admission requirements, may qualify for admission as a 25 Plus student. 25 Plus students must have completed high school or obtained a General Equivalency Diploma. Students are placed in the appropriate English and mathematics course based on submitted ACT or SAT scores. If scores are not available, university testing is required.
    2. Ages 21 through 24
      A first-time freshman between 21 and 24 years of age, who does not meet the University’s standard admission requirements, may also qualify for admission as outlined below. Students must have completed high school.
      1. Students interested in full-time admission must apply for admission through Admission by Committee. Note: Applying for Admission by Committee does not guarantee admission.
      2. Students interested in attending as a degree-seeking part-time student will be admitted but cannot schedule more than six hours in the fall or spring and no more than three hours in the summer. After the satisfactory completion (with no less than 2.00 cumulative GPA) of at least 12 credit hours, which will include all developmental math and English courses, a student can change status to a full-time student.
      3. Students who are not degree-seeking may enroll for classes through University College’s DOORS (Diversified Opportunities for Older or Returning Students) program. After the satisfactory completion (with no less than 2.00 cumulative GPA) of at least 12 credit hours, which will include all developmental math and English courses, a DOORS student can change status to a full-time student.
  4. Admission for a First-Time Freshman through Admission by Committee (including graduates of non-state-approved high schools or GED recipients)
    Students who do not meet the stated admission criteria will have the opportunity to apply for additional consideration through Admission by Committee. Applications for Admission by Committee are reviewed by an Undergraduate Admissions Committee using criteria such as: GPA, quality of high school curriculum, class rank, special talents, school recommendation, extracurricular activities, leadership abilities, significant life/career experience and membership in under-represented groups. In all cases, the Committee’s overriding consideration will be the student’s potential to succeed in the UL Lafayette academic environment.
  5. Admission as a Transfer Student
    An applicant who has been enrolled or who is currently enrolled at another college or university is considered to be a transfer student. To be eligible for admission, a transfer student must be eligible to return to the last institution attended and one of the following:
    1. A transfer student with fewer than 24 non-developmental/remedial credit hours may be admitted if he or she meets all admission standards for first-time freshman and has earned a minimum 2.25 cumulative GPA excluding non-developmental/remedial work. The student should have his/her ACT scores sent to the Office of Admissions.
    2. A transfer student who has earned 24 or more non-developmental/remedial credit hours may be admitted if the student:
      1. has earned a 2.25 cumulative GPA excluding non-developmental/remedial work; and
      2. has successfully completed both college-level freshman English (non-remedial) and college-level Math (non-remedial).
    3. A student who has earned an Associate Degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution is automatically eligible for admission.
      1. A transfer student who is currently enrolled at another collegiate institution should have an official transcript sent at the time the application is submitted. This should be followed by a final official transcript upon completion of the work in progress. A transfer student may be granted provisional admission status until all transcripts are received and evaluated. If these required transcripts are not received within thirty calendar days of the beginning of classes or if the student is found to be ineligible when the transcripts are evaluated, then the student’s registration will be cancelled and all registration fees may be forfeited. (See Fee Regulations for resignation/ cancellation refund policy).
      2. A transfer student who is applying for admission to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette after being suspended for academic reasons at the last collegiate institution attended, who has completed the period of his or her suspension, or, after being placed on academic probation at the last collegiate institution attended, may be admitted on academic probation in accordance with regulation VII.D (Academic Status) .
      3. A transfer student with two or more academic suspensions must remain out of school for at least one calendar year. The student’s eligibility to enroll in the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is discussed in VII.I (Academic Status) .
    4. A transfer student who is not eligible for admission under the standards outlined in 5.a, 5.b, and 5.c above may apply for additional consideration through Admission by Committee.
      1. Credits earned at another baccalaureate-granting institution (four-year college or university) during a period of suspension or dismissal from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette or another institution will not be accepted if the student enters or reenters the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Hours pursued, hours earned, and quality points will not be included in the student’s cumulative average; however, academic actions such as probation and suspension will be recorded. A student on suspension from UL Lafayette may enroll in a two-year institution (community college or junior college). Credits earned from the two-year institution will be accepted by UL Lafayette, though they will only be applicable toward a degree as determined by the student’s academic dean. Credits earned by a student at a two-year institution while on suspension from another four-year institution may be accepted by UL Lafayette at the discretion of the student’s academic dean.
      2. Transfer students who have been suspended from other college or university systems may appeal to enroll at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette during the suspension period only if they have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
    5. A student applying for admission as a transfer student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission by the published application deadline date of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee (refer to www.admissions.louisiana.edu for fees) for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and refugees.
      2. Each college or university attended must be listed on the application form, and final official transcripts must be sent from each institution to the Office of Admissions regardless of whether credit was earned or is desired. Students who fail to acknowledge attendance at any college or university in which they have registered are subject to dismissal from the University.
      3. If applicable, have ACT/SAT scores sent to the Office of Admissions.
    6. Transfer of Credit Policy
      1. The Office of Admissions evaluates transfer credentials to determine which credits are acceptable by the University; however, the student’s academic dean is responsible for determining which of these credits may be applied in a particular baccalaureate degree program. Although all credits may be accepted by the University (Office of Admissions) and recorded on the student’s University of Louisiana at Lafayette permanent record, these credits are not necessarily applicable to a degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. A prospective transfer student should refer to the introduction section of the appropriate college in this Catalog for the transfer of credit policy of that college. A student who feels that an error has been made in the evaluation of transfer credit should initiate a review of his/her record in the office of the student’s academic dean.
      2. Credit for work successfully completed at a regionally accredited college or university or, in some cases, at a non-accredited institution will be accepted by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in accordance with the following provisions:
        1. Credits from non-accredited institutions will be evaluated on the basis of the recommendations contained in the current issue of Transfer Credit Practices of Selected Educational Institutions, published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and in accordance with current Office of Admissions policy. Copies of these documents are available for inspection in the Office of Admissions.
        2. Credit in courses from foreign colleges and universities may be accepted based on an interpretation of the credits by the Office of Admissions and the student’s academic dean.
        3. All regulations governing transfer credit will apply regardless of when these credits were earned; however, students are cautioned that credits which are over 10 years old may be applied toward degree requirements only with the approval of the student’s academic dean.
        4. University of Louisiana at Lafayette students who attend another college or university during a summer or other term and wish to transfer earned credits to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette are governed by these regulations; however, students are cautioned that their academic dean determines which of these transfer credits, if any, are applicable toward a degree. University of Louisiana at Lafayette students who plan to pursue work at another university are urged to consult with their academic dean concerning the applicability of such work prior to leaving the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
        5. Although the number of credits acceptable from a junior college or community college by the University is unlimited, transfer students are cautioned that the student’s academic dean determines which of these credits are applicable toward a degree. The maximum number from a junior college or community college applicable toward a degree is 60 semester hours or fifty percent of the total required for a baccalaureate degree.
        6. Credit earned through correspondence study and other non-traditional credit, earned in any way other than through residence study, is awarded according to university policy as stated in Section VIII (Credit By Other Means)  regardless of the policy of the sending institution. Credit earned by departmental or institutional examinations at other regionally accredited colleges and universities and listed on an official transcript is accepted in the same way that residence credit earned in those institutions is accepted.
        7. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will recognize course credits from regionally accredited institutions at the level at which they were taught at the credit-granting institution. When transfer credits are received at the lower level but the course is taught at the advanced level at University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the Dean may substitute up to six semester hours of transfer credits for six semester hours of advanced level credits in fulfilling the 45 hour requirement.
  6. Admission as a Re-entry by Transfer Student
    A re-entry by transfer student is a former student of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette who has attended one or more regular terms at another institution before returning to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
    1. A re-entry by transfer student who left the University of Lafayette in academic good standing and who remained in academic good standing at the other institutions attended may be admitted in academic good standing.
    2. A re-entry by transfer student who left the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on academic probation or who was placed on academic probation at the last institution attended may be admitted on academic probation in accordance with regulation VII.D (Academic Status) .
    3. A re-entry by transfer student who left the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on suspension or who was placed on suspension at the last institution attended, who has completed the period of suspension, may be admitted on probation in accordance with regulation VII.D (Academic Status) .
    4. A re-entry by transfer student is also subject to the provisions of admission as a transfer student.
    5. A re-entry by transfer student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee (refer to www.admissions.louisiana.edu for fees) for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and refugees.
      2. Have final, official transcripts sent directly to the Office of Admissions from all collegiate institutions attended since the last enrollment at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
      3. Any student not in attendance for two or more successive regular semesters (excluding summer sessions and inter-sessions) is required to follow the degree program as printed in the Catalog in effect at the time of his/her re-entry into the university. Any exception to this regulation must be approved in writing by the student’s academic dean.
  7. Admission as a Re-entry Student
    A re-entry student is a former student of the University who has applied for admission after one or more regular semesters of non-attendance at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and who has not attended another institution since his/her last attendance at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
    1. A re-entry student who left the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in academic good standing may be readmitted in academic good standing.
    2. A re-entry student who left the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on academic probation may be readmitted on academic probation in accordance with regulation VII.D (Academic Status) .
    3. A re-entry student who is returning after a period of suspension may be admitted on probation.
    4. A re-entry student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee (refer to www.admissions.louisiana.edu for fees) for U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and refugees.
      2. Any student not in attendance for two or more successive regular semesters (excluding summer sessions and inter-sessions) is required to follow the degree program as printed in the Catalog in effect at the time of his/her re-entry into the University. Any exception to this regulation must be approved in writing by the student’s academic dean.

B. Degree-Seeking Undergraduate International Students

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. The Office of Admissions will issue the initial, appropriate immigration form for persons on student visas. Persons on other visas should check with the Office of Admissions and/or the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service prior to submitting an application for admission.

The Office of Admissions will make a determination of the student’s eligibility for admission based on the credentials submitted for evaluation. The appropriate immigration form will be issued only after all credentials have been submitted and the applicant has been admitted to the University. International students are cautioned that admission into the University does not necessarily constitute admission into any specific college or department of the University.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette reserves the right to require an advance deposit of the first year’s tuition, fees and all other expenses in cases where the normal flow of funds from a foreign country is interrupted. All international students must provide evidence of adequate financial support comparable to the current estimate of annual expenses.

All international students must submit evidence of English proficiency in the form of an official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) result. Information on the TOEFL can be secured by writing: TOEFL, Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA. Currently the minimum TOEFL requirements are: TOEFL paper based-525; TOEFL computer based-195, or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5; TOEFL internet based-70. International students who do not have test scores must see the ESOL coordinator for placement. International transfer students’ transcripts should be sent to the ESOL coordinator for placement. International students who have not graduated from a U.S. high school are required to enroll in ESOL courses instead of ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  to complete their freshman writing requirement. Students must complete the course sequence in the same department (ENGL 101  and ENGL 102 ; ESOL 101  and ESOL 102 ). The University of Louisiana at Lafayette has authorization to admit by exception those applicants who do not meet the mandated requirements. Consideration is given to other documented indications of a student’s ability to succeed in a degree program. International applicants who do not meet the mandated TOEFL requirement may apply for a waiver of those requirements by writing the Director of Admissions.

In addition to the TOEFL requirement, all international students, upon their arrival at the University and prior to their initial registration, may be required to take placement examinations in English and Mathematics. These examinations are used to place students at the appropriate level in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses and MATH (mathematics) courses. International students may also be required to take placement examinations in subjects such as chemistry and physics, and in other subjects, as required by their major department.

  1. Admission as an International First-Time Freshman Student. An international first-time freshman is defined as an international student who has never attended a post-secondary education institution.
    1. Have a high school GPA of at least 2.5 (converted to U.S. scale).
    2. Have a minimum TOEFL score of 70 (internet-based), 525 (paper-based), 195 (computer-based) or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5.
    3. International students who take the SAT must have a verbal/critical reasoning score of 450 (or English score of 18 on the ACT).
    4. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission at least ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee.
    5. Submit a Chronological Record Education Form with an official or certified true copies of all secondary academic records, notes, transcripts and/or mark sheets including examination results to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. Some examples of secondary records are: Baccalaureate, Bachillerato, GCE “O” and “A” level results, MCE, SSC, HSC and WASC results.
    6. Submit the completed Confidential Financial Information Form and supporting bank statement verifying financial support for one year as compared to the estimate of expenses statement provided with the application form.
  2. Admission as an International Transfer Student
    An international transfer student is defined as an international student who has attended post-secondary educational institutions.
    1. An international transfer student must meet the minimum admission requirements in effect at the time of the application as set by the University and by the College and Department in which admission is sought.
    2. All regulations in Section A.5 are equally applicable to international transfer students.
    3. The international transfer student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission at least ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.
      2. All regulations in B. 1.2, B. 1.3, B. 1.4, B. l.5, B. 1.6.
  3. Admission as a Re-entry International Student
    1. An international re-entry student must meet the minimum admission requirements in effect at the time of the application as set by the University and by the College and Department in which admission is sought.
    2. All regulations in Section A.6 and Section A.7 are equally applicable to the international re-entry student.
    3. Re-entering international students who have remained in the U.S. after a period of non-attendance of a regular semester are cautioned that admission to the University does not constitute reinstatement to student status by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The student must file for reinstatement of status to the INS after being admitted to the University.
    4. The international re-entry student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for admission at least ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the semester for which admission is sought. The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee of $5.00.
      2. Submit the completed Confidential Financial Information Form showing evidence of adequate financial support as compared to the estimate of expenses provided with the application form.

C. Non-Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Student

A non-degree-seeking undergraduate student is one who wishes to enroll in the University but does not plan to pursue a baccalaureate degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The student may or may not meet the requirements for admission of a degree-seeking student but has declared intent not to seek a degree. All non-degree-seeking students are assigned to University Connection. A student admitted in one of the non-degree categories who later decides to pursue an undergraduate degree must obtain the permission of the dean of the college and the department head responsible for that degree program and the approval of the Director of Admissions. In addition, the student must meet the same requirements for admission as a degree-seeking student. Non-degree-seeking students are cautioned that coursework pursued while in this classification may not necessarily be applicable toward a degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. If a non-degree-seeking student wishes to enroll in a freshman level English or mathematics course, the student must present ACT/SAT scores prior to enrolling in these courses. Transcripts submitted by applicants in the following categories will only be used to determine eligibility, will not be evaluated course-by-course, and will not be recorded on the student’s University of Louisiana at Lafayette permanent record. Non-U.S. citizens should confer with the Office of Admissions prior to submitting an application for non- degree status, since these categories may affect immigration status.

  1. Admission as a Special Student
    1. An undergraduate student who does not wish to pursue a degree but who wishes to take courses for credit is classified as a Special Student. The following applicants are eligible for admission as Special Students:
      1. Graduates of high schools.
      2. Students who have attended other collegiate institutions and are eligible to return, and
      3. Mature persons, at least 25 years old, who have not graduated from high school.
    2. A Special Student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admissions by the published application deadline date of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for U.S. citizens.
      2. Submit to the Office of Admissions an official high school transcript or an official transcript from the last collegiate institution attended.
  2. Admission as a Post-Baccalaureate Student
    A Post-Baccalaureate Student is one who holds at least a bachelor’s degree, has not been admitted to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Graduate School, and is not pursuing a degree but who wishes to take courses for undergraduate credit. A Post-Baccalaureate Student may not take courses for graduate credit. Any course taken while classified as a Post-Baccalaureate Student cannot be later counted toward a graduate degree. A student pursuing an additional baccalaureate degree should apply as a degree- seeking student.
    1. A Post-Baccalaureate Student must be eligible to return to the last collegiate institution attended.
    2. A Post-Baccalaureate student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission by the published application deadline date of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for U.S. citizens.
      2. Submit to the Office of Admissions an official transcript from the last collegiate institution attended and, if different, an official transcript from the institution listing receipt of bachelor’s degree.
  3. Admission as a Visiting Student
    A Visiting Student is an undergraduate student seeking a baccalaureate degree at another collegiate institution or a high school graduate who intends to seek a baccalaureate degree at another collegiate institution and wishes to attend the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for one session or term only.
    1. A Visiting Student must have graduated from an approved high school or have attended a collegiate institution and remains eligible to return to the last institution of attendance.
    2. A Visiting Student must:
      1. Complete and submit the application for undergraduate admission by the published application deadline date of the semester for which admission is sought. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for U.S. citizens and $30.00 for non-U.S. citizens.
      2. Submit to the Office of Admissions an official high school transcript listing graduation date and appropriate signatures or an official transcript from the last collegiate institution attended. Visiting Students who wish to continue at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for the Fall semester must reapply for admission and must meet regular admission requirements.
  4. Admission as a DOORS student
    The University of Louisiana at Lafayette DOORS Program, Diversified Opportunities for Older and Returning Students, is intended to ease the transition into the University for older and returning students. DOORS is designed primarily for students who are 21 years of age or older and who are enrolling in the University for the first time or returning after several years’ absence. This category of admission is designed for two types of students: those who would like to take a few courses for personal enrichment or professional advancement and have no interest in working towards a degree and those who might ultimately desire to seek a degree but want to adjust to the University gradually by entering initially as non- degree-seeking students. When DOORS applicants wish to change their status, they must then meet regular degree-seeking admission requirements in effect at that time and submit transcripts of all previous studies.
    1. The following types of students may be admitted through the DOORS program:
      1. Mature persons who have graduated from high school or have a GED.
      2. Transfer students who are eligible to re-enroll at the last institution attended. The normal requirement of transcripts may be waived for admission. If a DOORS Program student desires to transfer into a degree program at a later time, then all credentials will be required.
    2. A maximum of 15 hours of academic credit earned under this admissions category may be transferred into a degree program. These hours must be approved by the dean of the academic college into which the student transfers.
    3. An applicant for admission under the DOORS Program must file a formal application for admission. This application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for U.S. citizens.
  5. Admission to Certain Sponsored Programs
    Students admitted into certain approved programs sponsored through University College may be admitted as Visiting Students and may earn regular college credit.
    1. Programs for Visiting Students are generally sponsored by or are offered in cooperation with a local industry or an agency in the community. Programs for Visiting Students must be reviewed and approved by the Academic Vice President, the Director of University College, and the Director of Admissions.
    2. Participants in these programs must be mature adults recommended by the sponsoring or cooperating agency. Participants are subject to the approval of the Director of University College and the Director of Admissions.
    3. A formal application for admission as a Visiting Student is required. No academic credentials are generally required.
    4. A Visiting Student is admitted for a specific program only and must reapply for participation in any other program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette or for admission as a student in any other category. The Visiting Student is cautioned that coursework pursued while in this classification may not necessarily be applicable toward a degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $25.00 for U.S. citizens and $30.00 for non-U.S. citizens.

D. Programs for High School Students

Superior high school students who have completed their junior year in high school may be allowed to enroll in regular college classes. The University offers two different programs for those students whose academic qualifications and emotional maturity are clearly above average.

  1. The High School Dual Enrollment Program
    Students in their final two years of high school are eligible to begin taking courses through UL Lafayette if they meet certain pre-admission criteria. Students must be on track to complete the Board of Regents (TOPS) core, have an ACT composite score of at least 21, English sub score of 18 and a Math sub score of 19, and a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.75. A wide variety of courses are available to such students, who may earn seven or eight hours of college credit per academic semester at a reduced tuition rate. Students may enroll in courses offered either on their high school campuses or on the UL Lafayette campus.

    Those who wish to participate in the program should obtain an application from the Office of University Connection (call 337-482-6729 or e-mail universityconnection@louisiana.edu).

E. Academic Amnesty

  1. Academic amnesty provides an opportunity for an undergraduate student or applicant to start a new academic record. When academic amnesty is awarded, effective with a given semester all college or university level credits and grades earned prior to that semester are no longer recognized and thus are not used in subsequent academic status determinations or grade point average calculations. (Notes: The prior credits and grades continue to be shown on the permanent academic record.) The award of academic amnesty does not change a student’s financial aid history.
  2. Academic amnesty can be considered only if the student has not been enrolled in any college or university for at least three years before the effective semester of the amnesty.
  3. A request for academic amnesty by a student enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette should be made to the student’s academic dean within one calendar year of the date of re-enrollment.
  4. An applicant who seeks academic amnesty in order to be admitted to the university will present his or her request to the appropriate Dean’s office for approval of amnesty for admission.
  5. Academic amnesty may be granted to an individual only once. Once granted, academic amnesty may not be rescinded.
  6. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette does not automatically recognize academic amnesty granted to a student by another institution. A request to recognize academic amnesty granted by another institution should be made to the academic dean or the Undergraduate Admissions Committee as indicated above.
  7. Academic amnesty may not be recognized by all programs at this institution or by other institutions. In particular, many graduate and professional schools do not recognize academic amnesty.
  8. Credit examinations may be taken for courses in which grades of “C” or higher were earned (see Credit by Other Means, VIII. A) .
  9. Only the grades earned since amnesty was awarded will be used to compute eligibility for honors.

F. Students Seeking Professional Certification

A student seeking professional certification is one who is pursuing professional or additional certification in one of the areas approved by the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards. Certification in additional fields as approved by the State Department of Education is an example of such certification. These students must meet the admission requirements of the undergraduate college.

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