Mar 26, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

Academic Status

  1. Definition
  2. Academic Status
  3. Academic Good Standing
  4. Academic Probation
  5. Length of Academic Probation
  1. Academic Suspension
  2. Other Effects of Academic Suspension
  3. Readmission from Suspension
  4. Summer Suspension
  5. Appeals

A. Definition

A student’s academic status is a general indication of that student’s eligibility to remain in school. It may affect that student’s eligibility for scholarships; his or her standing with selective service; his or her eligibility for special insurance rates, loans, and work-study programs; his or her eligibility for intercollegiate athletics; and many other student activities.

B. Academic Status

A student’s academic status is based on a student’s cumulative grade point average.

C. Academic Good Standing

A full-time or part-time student eligible to continue or re-enroll at the university will be in academic good standing, even if on academic probation.

D. Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation whenever the cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 average.

E. Length of Academic Probation

Once on academic probation, a student will remain on probation until the cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is achieved. When a student on academic probation earns a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, the student will be removed from academic probation.

F. Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation will be suspended from the University at the conclusion of any semester or summer session in which s/he fails to earn a semester grade point average of 2.0. First-time freshmen will not be suspended until they have enrolled for two regular semesters.

For the academic first and second suspensions, the period of suspension is one regular semester; for subsequent suspensions, it is one calendar year.

G. Other Effects of an Academic Suspension

A student who has been suspended more than twice for academic reasons must remain out of the university for at least one calendar year. The student may then apply for readmission, which may be granted, delayed, or denied. The University has established procedures for considering applications for readmission. Criteria for readmission may vary among individual curricula, colleges, schools, divisions, or other academic administrative units within the university.

An undergraduate student suspended from UL Lafayette may not enroll in another four-year university while on suspension, but s/he may, with the approval of the student’s dean, enroll in a two-year community or junior college during the suspension period.

  1. A suspended student who opts to attend a community or junior college during the suspension must to meet with his/her academic dean and obtain prior approval for the program of study s/he intends to pursue while at the two-year college.
  2. UL Lafayette will treat the credits and grades transferred by the suspended student just as it would the transfer work of any student, but the applicability of coursework to a particular degree program depends on its evaluation by the dean of the college in which the student enrolls upon his/her return.
  3. A suspended student who attends a two-year college while on suspension must complete and earn a minimum grade of “C” in all developmental coursework before his/her return to UL Lafayette.
  4. A student suspended for a year who chooses to attend a two-year college while on suspension may appeal to re-enter UL Lafayette after the first semester of the suspension period if s/he has earned a grade of “C” in at least twelve credits (including all required developmental courses) at the two-year college with a minimum 2.0 GPA. The appeal to re-enter the University in this case must be addressed to the dean of the college in which the student will enroll upon his/her return. The waiver of the second semester of the suspension is the academic dean’s discretion.

H. Readmission from Suspension

In order to return to the University after a period of suspension, a student must apply for readmission in accordance with the University’s policies; criteria for readmission may vary among programs.

I. Summer Suspension

Students suspended for the first time at the end of the spring semester may attend the summer intersession or summer school without appeal. If these students raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher by the end of the summer session, they are placed in academic good standing and their suspension period is lifted. They may then attend the fall semester without appeal. If they do not raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher by the end of the summer session, the suspension for the fall semester is in effect. In this case, only one suspension is counted against the student.

J. Appeals

  1. In the case of a first, second, or third suspension, an appeal for waiver of the suspension period may be made to the student’s academic dean. Such an appeal must be based on a claim of extenuating circumstances that have had an adverse impact on the student’s academic performance (such as prolonged medical problems, serious accidents, or death in the immediate family); the student must provide appropriate documentation in support of the claim. Students may appeal to the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards through their academic dean if not satisfied with the dean’s original decision.
  2. Students may appeal to the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards through their academic for fourth and subsequent suspensions.
  3. If the dean or the committee grants an appeal, special requirements may be imposed. These requirements include, but are not limited to, conditions related to program of study, academic load, specific courses to be scheduled, participation in tutoring or other academic assistance programs, or limited extracurricular activities. Should a student who is registered subject to such conditions not satisfy them, then the student’s registration will be cancelled and the suspension period will be reinstated.
  4. If an appeal for waiver of a suspension is granted, the effect is that the student is permitted to enter on probation. However, the notation “Suspension” remains on the student’s record and is counted when computing the total number of suspensions discussed in VII.I above.
  5. Transfer students who have been suspended from other college or university systems may appeal to enroll at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette during the academic suspension period only if they have a 2.0 cumulative average.