Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

To enroll in any 400-level course, students must be admitted to the Upper Division; to enroll in a 400(G)-level course in which there are graduate students, students must have junior or higher standing.

*LCCN indicates Louisiana Common Course Number.


Educational Leadership

  • EDLD 511 - Community Engagement

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Skills to analyze and interpret various models of school-community organizational frameworks.

  • EDLD 512 - Capstone Internship

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Project that will be presented to the candidate’s committee.

    Rstr: Open only to educational leadership students in the semester of graduation.
  • EDLD 598 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Content varies. Alternate subtitles will appear on students’ transcripts.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
    Grading Option: Grading option: S, U, W.
  • EDLD 700 - Administration in the Non-Public Sector

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Overview of theories and good practice principles related to school administration and management across the full range of management tasks that exist in a non-public setting.

  • EDLD 705 - Educational Philosophy and Ethos

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of traditions of educational philosophy including a focus on specific obligations inherent in non-public school missions.

  • EDLD 710 - Financial Management

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Non-public school processes and responsibilities including budget building, financial management, reading non-profit financial statements, financial planning, and non-traditional financing.

  • EDLD 715 - Curriculum Design and Evaluation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Private sector mission/Program/Curriculum critical alignment with an emphasis on assessment of curricular, student, faculty and institutional performance.

  • EDLD 720 - Educational Law in the Non-Public Sector

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Legal structures and needs of non-public schools. Contract labor, tort liability and civil rights.

  • EDLD 800 - Introduction to Research Design in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prepares students for the dissertation. Discusses quantitative and qualitative methodologies in applied research. Same as EDF 800 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 801 - Writing for Research in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course is designed to prepare the doctoral student for the conduct of scholarly inquiry and writing. Topics include refining writing style, avoiding plagiarism, adhering to APA style, conducting literature reviews, and critiquing. It is expected that students will have knowledge of and skills in the use of computer applications, research and statistics, and information literacy. Same as EDF 801 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 802 - Quantitative Methods in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduces advanced statistical techniques commonly used in educational research, parametric and non-parametric analysis through the use of statistical analysis software. Same as EDF 802 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 803 - Qualitative Methods in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Future trends, issues and problems in academic educational systems, understanding and developing a qualitative research design, identifying problems and solutions and developing relevant theory in qualitative research. Same as EDF 803 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 810 - Leadership Theory and Practice

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Knowledge of past models of leadership is linked with an analysis of the complexities of contemporary schools, and the skills required to assume the role and responsibilities of the administrator in restructured school environments. Emphasis is placed on skills involving articulation of organizational mission, collegial engagement and consensus building, implementing and sustaining the change process and total quality management.

  • EDLD 811 - Educational Management

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course is designed to examine the role of superintendents and central office directors in emerging social, economic and political contexts that are changing the nature of schooling, altering how schools are viewed, and are transforming how they lead. A broad range of issues that are critical to the success of new superintendents and issues that affect relationships and impact districts will be explored. Particular attention will be paid to issues of leadership in diverse organizations. Same as EDL 811 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 812 - Supervision in Educational Settings

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course will include advanced definitions and determinations of staffing needs, supervision, and management and coordination problems. Also to be addressed are policies for recruitment, selection, assignment, salary planning, scheduling, promotion, separation, grievances, reassignment, records, development programs, in-service training, evaluation, benefits and services. Same as EDL 812 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 820 - Legal Issues and Ethics in Educational Organizations

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Studies of federal and state constitutions, legislation, regulatory guidelines and court decisions related to the operation of educational organizations such as contractual requirements, church-state relationships, education of special needs students, student and parental rights, tort liability, ethics and morality. Same as EDL 820 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 821 - Politics and Community Relations

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Administrative factors in developing community involvement in public schools and individual communication. Uses social science theory for educational policy-making. Same as EDL 821 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 822 - Policy Development and Analysis

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Understanding the process by which educational policy is formulated, analyzed, implemented, and evaluated. Same as EDL 822 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 823 - Fiduciary Management of Educational Organizations

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of the principles of taxation, local, state and federal financing of education and equalization of educational opportunity. Special emphasis given to the complete budget making process at the district level and a detailed study of school business management at the local school level. Sound accounting procedures reviewed and additional topics will include introduction to purchasing, transportation, food service operations and other business-related tasks and functions. Same as EDL 823 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 830 - Foundations of Curriculum Theory and Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Investigation of curriculum theory with emphasis on the various approaches to curriculum design and development and other factors that impact curriculum. Same as EDL 830 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 831 - Critical Analysis of Current Research On Effective Educational Practice

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course will focus on recent research on best practices of leadership for empowering teachers, creating communities of continuous learning, and increasing student achievement. The students will hone their critical thinking skills through analysis, synthesis and evaluation of research reporting. Same as EDL 831 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 832 - Educational Evaluation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course is designed to provide students with the research and evaluation skills required to implement various program evaluation models. It is also intended to provide the skills necessary for effectively using the standards of the National Joint Committee on Standards for Program Evaluation as required by State certification guidelines. Same EDL 832 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 840 - Change Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Emphasizing the application or organizational development practices related to educational settings, this course is designed to focus on change theory and its implementation in schools. The course is designed to assist in the understanding of change by utilizing some of the concepts of Kurt Lewin, including field theory and action research. Course topics and instruction offer an examination of the fundamental concepts of change and behavioral analysis. Same as EDL 840 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 841 - Organizational Development for Learning Communities

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Theories of leadership and organizational development, and strategies for creating communities of continuous learning. Same as EDL 841 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 842 - Culture, Climate and Change Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Concepts needed for systemic changes in K-12 public education. Same as EDL 842 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 871 - Special Topics in Instructional Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Same as EDL 871 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 875 - Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Management

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Same as EDL 875 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 880 - Research Practicum in Educational Leadership

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Data collection, analysis and interpretation to meet student-specific needs. Same as EDL 880 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 897 - Internship

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Same as EDL 897 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 900 - Doctoral Dissertation Seminar I.

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Proposal and dissertation writing. Grades S, U, W. Same as EDF 900 at Southeastern.

  • EDLD 999 - Dissertation Research and Dissertation

    3-24 Credit(s).

    Grades S, U, W. Same as EDF 990 at Southeastern.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • EECE 101 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering

    1 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    The engineering profession, history and practice of electrical engineering, ethics, guest speakers, oral and written communications.

  • EECE 122 - Micro-Robotics

    3 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Robotics; oriented projects building miniaturized robots.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 140 - Computer Engineering

    3 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Number systems, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, logic gates, combinational circuit design, adders, multiplexers, flip-flops, counters, shift registers. Laboratory: Experiments with TTL logic gates, flip-flops and counters.

    Prereq: Completion of MATH 105  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 233 - Telecommunications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Structure, historical background and tariffs and regulations. Voice, data and imagery communications.

    Prereq: EECE 140  with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of instructor.
  • EECE 240 - Digital Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Combinational logic design using MSI and LSI IC’s. Sequential circuit analysis and design. Register, counter and memory system analysis and design. Register-Transfer Logic design technique.

    Prereq: EECE 140  with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • EECE 260 - Computational Methods in Electrical Engineering

    1 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Mathematical software tools in electrical and computer engineering.

    Prereq: CMPS 150  with a “C” or better.
  • EECE 335 - Physical Electronics I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Physical characteristics and processing of electron devices such as diodes, transistors, solar cells, lasers, etc. Development of circuit models from device physics.

    Prereq: PHYS 202  and MATH 350  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 340 - Microprocessors

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computer architecture, addressing techniques, types of instructions. Comparison of architecture and instruction sets of microprocessors. Modern microprocessor address decoding, machine cycles, interrupts and hand assembly programming.

    Prereq: EECE 240  and CMPS 260 , both with “C” or better.
  • EECE 342 - Microprocessor Lab

    1 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Digital Logic design and implementation. Microprocessor hardware analysis, timing, and design. Effects of machine instructions on hardware.

    Prereq: EECE 340  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 344 - Engineering Electromagnetics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Applications of vector analysis, fundamental laws of electrostatic fields, electric potential and capacitance, solutions of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, steady magnetic fields and forces, time-varying electromagnetic fields and Maxwell’s equations.

    Prereq: PHYS 202  and MATH 350 , both with a minimum grade of “C”, MATH 302 .
  • EECE 353 - Electronic Circuits

    4 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Multistage amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, frequency response, operational amplifiers and applications, power amplifiers, waveshaping and waveform generation, high-frequency amplifiers. Lab includes design experiences in applications.

    Prereq: EECE 335 , EECE 356 , both with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • EECE 355 - Circuits and Signals I

    4 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Analysis of lumped parameter circuits with dependent and independent sources. Network theorems. Sinusoidal steady state solution, including three phase systems. Matrix formulation and computer solution of networks. Laboratory: Basic circuits and measurements.

    Prereq: MATH 301  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Coreq: EECE 357  
  • EECE 356 - Circuits and Signals II

    4 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Time domain analysis of circuits, conventional and transform methods, convolution, state equations. Fourier Series. Lab includes: computer-generated vs. experimental results.

    Prereq: EECE 355  and MATH 350 , both with a minimum grade of “C”.
    Coreq: EECE 358  
  • EECE 357 - Circuits-1 Tutorials

    1 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Coreq: EECE 355  
    Grading Option: CR, NC
  • EECE 358 - Circuits 2-Tutorials

    1 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Coreq: EECE 356  
    Grading Option: CR,NC
  • EECE 365 - Internship in Telecommunications I

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Supervised work experience in the area of Telecommunications. Does not apply towards satisfying degree requirements in electrical engineering.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 367 - Internship in Electrical Engineering I

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Supervised work experience in the area of electrical engineering. Does not apply towards satisfying degree requirements in electrical engineering.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 371 - Special Projects

    1-3 Credit(s).

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 380 - Random Processes for Electrical Engineering

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Common discrete and continuous random variables in engineering, multiple random variables, random processes, linear systems with random signal inputs, applications in electrical engineering.

    Prereq: MATH 301  with “C” or better.
  • EECE 413 - Computer Communications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Overview of common telecommunication and networking techniques using the OSI model with emphasis on the lower layers. LANs are covered in depth.

    Prereq: EECE 240  with a minimum grade of “C”.
    Rstr: Not open for students who have earned credit for EECE 434(G) .
  • EECE 423 - Seminar I

    1 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Visiting lecturers and practice in oral and written communications.

    Prereq: Within last two semesters of curriculum.
  • EECE 424 - Seminar II

    1 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Visiting lecturers and practice in oral and written communications.

    Prereq: Within last two semesters of curriculum.
  • EECE 428(G) - Transmission Media

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of various transmission media such as fiber optic and coaxial cables, microwaves, satellite links, cellular radio, etc.

    Prereq: EECE 452 
  • EECE 430(G) - Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Z-Transform techniques and their real-time implementation, Digital filter design, Discrete Fourier transform techniques and their application.

    Prereq: EECE 260 , EECE 444 .
  • EECE 434(G) - Data Communications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computer communications hardware and software, computer network considerations, switching methods, error analysis and data communication systems testing.

    Prereq: EECE 240  with a grade of “C” or better
    Rstr: Not open to students who have earned credit for EECE 413 .
  • EECE 435(G) - Wireless Communications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduction to wireless communications; cellular mobile telephony: standards, systems, technologies; wireless data networks; personal communication systems (PCS) principles.

    Prereq: EECE 452 .
  • EECE 437 - Power Electronics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Analysis of power electronics devices and systems; AC and DC motor drives; thermal dissipation requirements; harmonics; power controllers; converters, inverters and commutation techniques.

    Prereq: EECE 447  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 442 - Computer Control Laboratory

    1 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Programmable Controllers with Ladder Logic and PID algorithms. Human Machine Interface, with control of various electro-mechanical and hydraulic processes.

    Prereq: EECE 461(G)  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 443 - Design Lab I

    2 Credit(s). 4 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design and construction of semester project, preliminary design of year-long project; preparation of formal laboratory reports.

    Prereq: All 300-level EECE, CMPS,ENGR, MATH and PHYS courses in the curriculum, excluding EECE 344  and MATH 302  with a grade of “C” or better in each course.
    Rstr: EECE majors only.
  • EECE 444 - Circuits and Signals III

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fourier transforms methods and applications. Discrete system methods. Z transform. Analysis and design of Analog and Digital filters and systems.

    Prereq: EECE 356  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 447 - Electrical Machines and Power

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduction to three-phase systems; electrical machines; electrical power transmission and distribution.

    Prereq: EECE 356  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 448 - Smart Power Grids

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Modeling an ddesign of smart grid renewable energy systems, communication and control requirements, micro-grid photovoltaic and wind energy systems, load flow analysis and fault studies.

    Prereq: EECE 447  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 450 - Power Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Energy sources; transmission line parameters, modeling, performance and design, transients, insulation and arresters, one line diagram and per unit system; voltage and reactive control, symmetrical components, balanced and unbalanced faults. Introduction to network matrices and load flow.

    Prereq: EECE 447  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 451 - Digital Electronics

    3 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Analysis and design of digital electronic circuits. Internal details of MOS and Bipolar logic networks. Laboratory: Measurement and characterization of digital logic circuit parameters.

    Prereq: EECE 335  with grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 452 - Communications Engineering I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of communications systems. Mathematical analyses of digital and analog modulation techniques.

    Prereq: EECE 356  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 453 - Communications Engineering Laboratory

    1 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Experiments in analog and digital communications.

    Prereq: EECE 452  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 458(G) - Communications Engineering II

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Effects of random noise on modulation systems, including detailed study of digital communication systems and an introduction to information theory and coding.

    Prereq: EECE 233 - Telecommunications  , EECE 452 ; STAT 425(G)  or EECE 380 
  • EECE 459 - Computer Hardware Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design of Processor and Control Logic hardware. Computer hardware design, input/output and memory design.

    Prereq: EECE 340  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 460 - Design Lab II

    1 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 0 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Continuation of Design Lab I, including completion of year-long design project with formal oral and written presentation and prototype demonstration.

    Prereq: EECE 443  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 461(G) - Control Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Transfer functions, flow-graphs, state variables for feedback control systems, stability criteria. Digital control system design.

    Prereq: ENGR 218 EECE 260  
    Coreq: EECE 444 
  • EECE 465 - Internship in Telecommunications II

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Supervised work experience in the area of Telecommunications. Does not apply towards satisfying degree requirements in electrical engineering.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 466(G) - Communications Networks

    3 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fundamentals of Networks including PCs, LANs, MANs and WANs.

    Prereq: EECE 434(G)  or EECE 413 , and EECE 452 .
  • EECE 467 - Internship in Electrical Engineering II

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Supervised work experience in the area of electrical engineering. Does not apply towards satisfying degree requirements in electrical engineering.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 468 - Internship in Telecommunications III

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Supervised work experience in the area of telecommunications. Does not apply towards satisfying degree requirements in electrical engineering.

    Rstr: Permission of Instructor required.
  • EECE 470 - Physical Electronics II

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Physical behavior of semiconductors and electronic properties of devices (diodes, transistors, and charged coupled devices). Application of modern electronic devices (lasers and solar cells).

    Prereq: EECE 335  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 472(G) - Special Topics

    1-3 Credit(s).

    Content varies. Alternate subtitles will appear on student’s transcript.

    Rstr: Permission of the instructor required.
  • EECE 479 - Computer Control

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computer control of machines and processes. Microcontroller architecture and capabilities. Discrete controller design, ladder logic, PLCs.

    Prereq: EECE 461(G)  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • EECE 480(G) - Computer Aided Engineering

    3 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduction to the application of computer graphics to the evaluation of new system designs and simulation of system performance in the computer before the first prototype is built.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 481(G) - Robotic Technology

    4 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Robotics principles; imaging; sensors; actuators; feedback control; mobility, navigation and path planning; labatory projects.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • EECE 500 - Random Processes

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Discrete and continuous stochastic processes, correlation and power spectrum, filtering and estimation, Markov Processes.

  • EECE 501 - Linear Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Representation of signals and systems, frequency-domain transform techniques, time-domain state-space methods.

  • EECE 502 - Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Z-transforms, digital filtering; finite and infinite impulse responses, synthesis methods, the discrete Fourier transform.

  • EECE 505 - Advanced Control Design in Dynamic Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Advanced control system design and applications. Topics include: stale space design techniques, stability robustness, optimal control design, robust control, and fault tolerant control design.

    Prereq: EECE 461(G)  or MCHE 474(G)  or CHEE 413(G)  or equivalent basic control course.
  • EECE 510 - Communication Networks

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Seven-layer OSI model, Data Link Layer and Network Layer protocols, Transport Layer, TCP/IP, higher layers, cross-layer design.

  • EECE 511 - Queueing Theory and Applications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Markov Processes, queuing models, applications to communication networks. 

  • EECE 520 - Digital Communication Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Digital baseband modulation systems, Matched filtering, Nyquist criterion for ISI, MPSK, MFSK, and MQAM, AWGN error probability, spread spectrum and OFDM.

  • EECE 521 - Information Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Source entropy, discrete memoryless sources, mutual information and capacity, coding theorems, applications. 

    Prereq: EECE 500  
  • EECE 522 - Error Correcting Codes

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Linear Block codes, BCH and Reed-Solomon codes, convolutional codes, Viterbi decoding, LDPC codes, turbo codes.

  • EECE 530 - Optical Networks

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Optical transport technologies, WDM, long-haul networks, metro network, local networks, access networks.

  • EECE 531 - Photonic Devices

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Optical fiber technologies, laser sources, fiber amplifiers, photodetectors, wavelength routers, passive components.

  • EECE 532 - Fiber Optic Transmission

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fiber link engineering, losses, dispersion effects, compensation techniques, optical modulation and coding applications.

  • EECE 540 - Wireless Communications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Wireless propagation, shadow fading and multipath effects, wide area cellular telephony, wireless LAN, emerging broadband wireless standards.

  • EECE 541 - Mobile Wireless Networks

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Mobility effects in wireless propagation, coding, modulation and multiple access.

  • EECE 550 - Control Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Advanced control system design applications. State space techniques, stability, robustness, optimal control, robust control, and fault tolerant control. 

    Prereq: EECE 461(G)  or equivalent course.
  • EECE 551 - Sensors and Control

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Sensor technologies, incorporation of sensors in control loops, performance analysis, case studies.

    Prereq: EECE 550  
  • EECE 552 - Fault Tolerant Control

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Reliability in control systems, fault detection and mitigation, fault-tolerant control systems, applications to flight control. 

    Prereq: EECE 550  
  • EECE 560 - Physical Electronics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Physics of solid-state and opto-electronic devices, current technologies and applications. 

    Prereq: EECE 335  or equivalent course.
  • EECE 561 - Fundamentals of RF IC Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design of RF integrated circuits, lumped and distributed RLC networks, Smith chart, S-parameters, noise effects. 

    Prereq: EECE 353  or equivalent course.
  • EECE 562 - Electronic Devices for Communication Systems I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Physical theory and operation of MOS field-effect transistors and RF performance for wireless and lightwave applications.

    Prereq: EECE 335  or equivalent course.

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