Sep 26, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

To enroll in any 400-level course, students must be admitted to the Upper Division; to enroll in a 400(G)-level course in which there are graduate students, students must have junior or higher standing.

*LCCN indicates Louisiana Common Course Number.


Communicative Disorders

  • CODI 604 - Seminar: Digital Measurement of Speech

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Content varies. May be repeated for credit. Procedures, methods, and techniques applied to in-depth measurement of physiologic and acoustic aspects of speech production.

  • CODI 605 - Seminar: Clinical Linguistics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Content varies. May be repeated for credit. Application of methods and principles from the systematic study of language and language use to data from clinical populations. Current trends in clinical linguistics.

  • CODI 606 - Experimental Research Design in CODI

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Focus on designing appropriate experimental research studies for investigation of communicative disorders, entering and analyzing data using computer software packages, and understanding and interpreting statistical data.

  • CODI 607 - Seminar: Developmental Theorists

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Major developmental theorists from a constructivist perspective. Readings include works of Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner.

  • CODI 608 - Seminar: Concepts in Disability

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Disability, diversity and differences leading to a theoretical understanding of disability as it applies to the field of speech-language pathology.

  • CODI 610 - Seminar: Qualitative Analysis of Social Action

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated for credit topics vary. Involves the student in intensive qualitative research methods addressing social actions. Covers conversational analysis, ethnographic methods, discursive linguistics analysis and lamination techniques.

  • CODI 611 - Advanced Topics in Communication Disorders

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • CODI 612 - Seminar: Applied Semiotic Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Content varies. May be repeated for credit. Theory and research as applied to normal sign systems and their relevance to selected disorders. May involve specific clinical and research problems.

  • CODI 699 - Dissertation Research and Dissertation

    3-24 Credit(s).

    Grading Option: Grades: S, U, W.
  • CODI 899 - Examinations Only

    3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Required of all graduate non-thesis students taking examinations, oral and/or written, who are not registered for any other course.

    Grading Option: Grades: S, U, W.

Computer Science

  • CMPS 120 - Basic Concepts of Computer Science and Robotics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Concepts of computing and the interaction of computers with the physical world. Construction and operation of a robot by integrating electronics, mathematics, physics and computer programming.

    Prereq: Permission of instructor.
  • CMPS 121 - Exploration in Computer Science and Robotics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Constructing and programming of a robot. Problem solving, structured design of and implementation of algorithms, testing and debugging of programs, data types, control structures and abstractions.

    Prereq: CMPS 120  with a “C” or better or permission of instructor.
  • CMPS 150 - Introduction to Computer Science

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Problem solving, structured design of algorithms, implementation of algorithms, and testing and debugging of programs. Data types, control structures, and abstractions. The laboratory component focuses on algorithm design and implementation.

    Prereq: MATH 109  or MATH 110  or MATH 143  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • CMPS 207 - Fundamentals in Computer Programming

    3 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Object-oriented programming.

    Prereq: CMPS 150  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Rstr: Not open to Computer Science majors or to any student with earned credit for CMPS 260 .
  • CMPS 250 - Honors Introduction to Data Structures and Software Design

    4 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 4 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Accelerated coverage of CMPS 150  and CMPS 260 . Students passing CMPS 250 with a “C” or better will also receive credit for CMPS 150.

    Prereq: MATH 109  and MATH 110  or MATH 143  with a grade of C or better.
    Rstr: Permission of the instructor required.
  • CMPS 260 - Introduction to Data Structures and Software Design

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Integrated software engineering principles, fundamental data structures, and algorithm design and development. Requirements, specifications, design, implementation and testing.


    Prereq: CMPS 121  or CMPS 150  ith a grade of “C” or better. MATH 109  and MATH 110 , or MATH 143  with a grade of “C” or better.

  • CMPS 261 - Advanced Data Structures and Software Engineering

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Programming methods, software testing, and algorithm analysis. Construction, traversal, and modification of trees, heaps, and has tables. Sorting and searching techniques on linear structures including arrays and sequential files.

    A student will be permitted to enroll in CMPS 260 and CMPS 261 a maximum of three times in each course.

    Prereq: CMPS 250  or CMPS 260  with a grade of “C” or better. MATH 109  and MATH 110 , or MATH 143  or  with a grade of “C” or better.

  • CMPS 310 - Computers in Society

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Technology and Humanity, Social and Political impacts of computers. Privacy and Information: wire tapping and encryption, internet security, communication in cyberspace, censorship. Protecting software and their intellectual property: patent, cyberspace copyright. Computer crimes: software privacy, hacking, information theft, digital forgery, internet crimes.

    Prereq: CMPS 260  or equivalent or permission of the instructor.
  • CMPS 327 - Introduction to Video Game Design and Development

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design, implementation, and testing of video games. Incremental game engine development, graphics, user input, animation, sound, music and artificial intelligence.

    Prereq: CMPS 261  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • CMPS 340 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Algorithm analysis and asymptotic notation. Advanced data structures analysis. Design and analysis of: divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and amortized analysis; multithreaded algorithms, linear programming, number-theoretic algorithms, computational geometry and approximation algorithms.

    Prereq: CMPS 261  with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 341 - Foundations of Computer Science

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Formal logic and its applications. Proof of correctness. Sets and combinatorics. Induction, recursion, and recurrence equations. Relations, functions, and graphs: shortest path and minimal spanning tree, planarity, Eulerian paths, Hamiltonian cycles. Algebraic structures, finite-state machines, turing machines, and computational notions.

    Prereq: CMPS 261  with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 351 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Overview of computer organization. Performance evaluation, MIPS architecture, assembly and machine language, data representation, hardware/software interface, assembly and linking process, implementation of data-path.

    Prereq: CMPS 260  and EECE 140  both with a minimum grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 352 - Scientific Computing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Software tools and algorithmic methods for solving large scale numerical problems in applied science, engineering and real-life applications. Floating point and matrix computations, numerical integration and differentiation. Numerical methods to compute graphics, visualization and video game development.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • CMPS 353 - Principles of File Organization and Processing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    File structures - their manipulation and management, application to commercial systems, techniques for data storage and retrieval.

    Prereq: CMPS 260  with a minimum grade of C.
  • CMPS 358 - Programming in .NET/C#

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    C# syntax and semantics with emphasis on object oriented programming, threads, I/O, collections, use of Visual Studio. Creation of GUI applications, network applications, database connectivity and web applications.

    Prereq: CMPS 261  with a minimum grade of “C” or permission of instructor.
  • CMPS 359 - Topics in Software Development

    1-3 Credit(s).

    May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Alternate subtitles will appear on student’s transcript.

    Prereq: CMPS 261  with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 360 - Programming in Java

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Java syntax and semantics, use of interfaces, packages, threads, I/O, and collections. Creation of GUI applications, server pages, servlets, Jars, remote methods and database communication.

    Prereq: CMPS 250  or CMPS 260 , with a grade of “C” or better.
  • CMPS 405 - Fundamental Principles of Computer Programming

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Program design and data abstraction; iteration and recursion. Fundamental data structures and their operations. Sorting and searching. A matriculation course for graduate students in computer science and engineering lacking computer science background. No credit toward any computer science or computer engineering degree.

    Prereq: CMPS 150 .
    Coreq: CMPS 406 .
  • CMPS 406 - Fundamentals of Computing Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Review of mathematical background. Algorithmic problems and their solutions. Methodology for algorithmic problem solving, abstraction and design; case study. Basics of program correctness and complexity analysis. A matriculation course for graduate students in computer science and engineering lacking computer science background. No credit toward any computer science or computer engineering degree.

    Prereq: CMPS 150  and CMPS 341 .
    Coreq: CMPS 405 .
  • CMPS 411(G) - System Simulation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Construction and verification of simulation models. Sampling techniques used in simulation, pseudo random number generators and their tests.

    Prereq: CMPS 341 , CMPS 351  and MATH 301  with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 415(G) - Computer Graphics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Algorithms, analysis, and software architecture for graphical information systems, visualization, realistic rendering, and interactive user interfaces. Project on extensive image representation, transformation, and rendering.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C”, or CMPS 405 , CMPS 406  both with a grade of “B” and MATH 362  with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 420(G) - Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Theories and techniques. Background and foundations of AI, intelligent agent-based representation, problem solving and search algorithms, game playing, introduction to LISP, knowledge representation and knowledge-based systems. Introduction to other sub-areas such as: natural language processing, connectionist models and evolutionary algorithms.

    Prereq: CMPS 341 , with a grade of “C”, or CMPS 405  with a grade of “B”.
  • CMPS 425(G) - Introduction to Robotics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Robotic manipulation systems: geometric transformations in 3-D space, forward and inverse manipulator kinematics and dynamics, trajectory generation, open-loop kinematics based manipulation control, robotic languages, and AI applications to robotics.

    Prereq: CMPS 341 , CMPS 351 ; MATH 302  or MATH 462(G)  all with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 426(G) - Game Engine Algorithms and Architecture

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Algorithms and architectural design principles involved in the development of a game and game engine. Advanced data structures and algorithms for pathfinding and collision detection, physics-based methods for modeling game dynamics, 3D transformations, data-driven design, quality issues for games and game engines, and methods of testing.

    Prereq: CMPS 327  or permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 427(G) - Video Game Design and Development

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design, implementation, and testing of video games. Game engine development, graphics, user in put, animation, sound, music, and artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on 3D graphics.

    Prereq: CMPS 327 .
    Rstr: If prerequisite not met permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 430(G) - Computer Architecture

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Hierarchical multilevel structures of computer systems; instruction sets; microprogrammed and hardwired controls; memory; pipelines and multiprocessors; performance evaluations; I/O organization; buses and channels; computer arithmetic.

    Prereq: CMPS 351  with a grade of “C”; or CMPS 405 , CMPS 406 , both with a grade of “B”.
  • CMPS 440(G) - Theory of Computation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Abstract basis of machines and programming; automata, context free grammars, and Turing machines; equivalence and non-equivalence of classes of devices; Chomsky hierarchy; incomputability; computational complexity.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 450(G) - Programming Languages

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Formal, functional, and practical issues of design and implementation of imperative, functional, and declarative languages; denotational semantics; data types and abstraction, control abstraction, separate compilation units, concurrency.

    Prereq: CMPS 341 , CMPS 351  both with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 451(G) - Compiler Construction

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduction to compilers and language translation. Aspects of lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis including language theory and implementation. Finite state machines, regular expressions, top-down, bottom-up parsing techniques. Code generation and optimization, subroutine calls, symbol table management, LL and LR parser generators.

    Prereq: CMPS 450(G)  with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 452(G) - Human Computer Interface Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Human factors of interactive software and styles, design principles and considerations, development methods and tools, interface quality, and evaluation methods.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C”; or CMPS 405 , CMPS 406  both with a grade of “B”.
  • CMPS 453(G) - Introduction to Software Methodology

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Project planning, requirement engineering, specification development techniques, structured design methods, software validation, and quality assurance. CASE tools and team dynamics.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C”, or CMPS 405 , CMPS 406  both with a grade of “B”.
  • CMPS 455(G) - Operating Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Process management in a multiprogramming environment; CPU scheduling, concurrency, memory management, deadlock, virtual memory, and file systems.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  and CMPS 351  with a grade of “C”.
  • CMPS 460(G) - Database Management Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design and implementation using the entity-relationship model. Declaration and manipulation. Embedded SQL and web-based database application development. Normalization, optimization, concurrency control.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  with a grade of “C”, or CMPS 405  with a grade of “B”.
  • CMPS 490 - Senior Project

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: Three six of 400-level CMPS courses, with a grade of “C” or better.
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 497 - Special Projects

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: GPA of 2.50 or better; CMPS 341 , CMPS 351 , each with a grade of “C” or better.
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 498 - Special Projects

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: GPA of 2.50 or better; CMPS 341 , CMPS 351 , each with a grade of “C” or better.
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • CMPS 499 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated for credit. Alternate subtitles will appear on student’s transcript.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  and CMPS 351  with a grade of “C”.

Computer Science-Computer Engineering

  • CSCE 500 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Basic techniques used in design and analysis of algorithms, including divide-and-conquer, greed methods, dynamic programming, search techniques, backtracking, brand-and-bound, and algebraic transformation. NP-Complete and NP-Hard problems, reductions among and approximations to such problems. Basis concepts surrounding the halting problem.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  or CMPS 406 
  • CSCE 502 - Computational Basis of Bioinformatics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computational algorithms, methods and techniques underlying bioinformatics discipline. Deterministic and probabilistic approached along with machine learning are explored. Computational principle behind sequence alignments, interaction network, gene regulation, microarray analysis, protein structure prediction and functional annotation.

    Prereq: CSCE 500  or equivalent and familiarity with machine learning.
  • CSCE 503 - Computational Genomics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Introduction to statistics, DNA Microarray technology, and machine learning. Analysis of microarray data, genomics data mining, mining interaction networks and functional annotation.

  • CSCE 506 - System-theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    System representation via state space and frequency domain modules, state estimation and system identification.

    Prereq: EECE 461(G) 
  • CSCE 507 - Digital Signal Processing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Discrete-time signals, systems, and transforms; sampling, interpolation, and decimation of signals; representations and design techniques of digital filters; fast algorithms for convolutions and discrete Fourier transform; architecture of filters and transforms.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required.
  • CSCE 508 - Image Processing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Review of 2-D digital signal processing, fast transform algorithms, image processing techniques; image enhancement, filtering, restoration, segmentation; image modeling; data compression for image storage and transmission; image reconstruction from noisy projections, data base structure; hardware implementation; applications in communication; medical, and computer vision.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G)  and CSCE 507 
  • CSCE 509 - Pattern Recognition

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Classificatory and descriptive approached to pattern recognition and machine perception. In the former category: statistics v. deterministic, direct vs. indirect, and parametric vs. non-parametric approached to pattern classification. In the latter category: various techniques of scene analysis including picture segmentation, raster geometry as well as linguistic and relational approached to picture description.

    Prereq: MATH 302  or equivalent
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 512 - Network Security

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Conventional encryption; public-key encryption; authentication and digital signatures; key management; intruders, viruses, and worms; electronic mail security, and authentication applications.

  • CSCE 513 - Principles of Computer Communications and Networks

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computer networks, including telecommunications and the related data transmission techniques. Topics include network philosophy, design and implementation.

    Prereq: One statistics course
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 514 - Error-control Codes for Computer Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Channel models, error categories, distance metrics, code fundamentals. Algebraic structures, vector spaces, matrices, polynomial Algebras Galois field, codes for high-speed memories, bit and byte error codes, mass memory codes, unidirectional error codes, codes for logic circuits, self-checking circuits, self-checking checkers and processors.

  • CSCE 515 - Principles of Computer Graphics

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Graphic man-machine interaction. Analysis of display devices with emphasis on interactive cathode-ray-tube terminals. Graphical display software techniques; display files, windowing, clipping, 2- and 3-dimensional transformations, hidden-line removal.

  • CSCE 516 - Cryptography and Data Security

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Secrecy systems, encryptions, cryptanalysis, date encryption standard, applications of cryptography key management, public key systems and digital signatures, file security systems, IBM cryptographic products.

  • CSCE 517 - Digital Techniques in Telecommunications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Voice and voice-band data digitization, bandwidth and channel capacity, coder and decoders, digital speech interpolation, digital switching techniques and networks, traffic considerations, distributed system design for the transmission of speech and data on telecommunication lines.

  • CSCE 518 - Lossless and Lossy Data Compression

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Huffman and arithmetic coding, dictionary techniques, and lossless image compression. Scalar vector quantization, differential encoding, subband and transform coding.

    Prereq: CSCE 500  
  • CSCE 520 - Principles of Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition and planning. Selected topics from natural language understanding, learning, vision, and robotics.

    Prereq: CMPS 420(G) 
  • CSCE 521 - Automated Reasoning

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Automated reasoning. Emphasis on logical, probabilistic, and non-monotonic reasoning.

    Prereq: CMPS 420(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 522 - Autonomous-Agent Architecture

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design and implementation of goal-directed autonomous agents. Includes classical, reactive and multiagent planning, and communication among autonomous agents.

    Prereq: EECE 520
  • CSCE 523 - Computational Basis of Intelligence

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Computational principles underlying human and machine intelligence. Neural models of vision, language, and higher-order cognition. Integration of artificial intelligence with neural computation.

    Prereq: CMPS 420(G)  or CSCE 520 
  • CSCE 525 - Computer-Control Based Robotics and Automation Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fundamental course in Computer-Control Based Robotic Systems. Design of robotic systems, kinematics, dynamics, classical control of robotics, trajectory generation, robot languages, special computer architectures for robotic systems, sensors and introduction to robotic vision.

  • CSCE 526 - Intelligent Machines: Theory, Design and Applications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: CSCE 525  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 527 - Cognitive Science I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Cognitive models from behavioral, biological and computational sciences.

  • CSCE 528 - Cognitive Science II

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Cognitive models from behavioral, biological and computational sciences.

  • CSCE 530 - Principles of Computer Architecture

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Micro and parallel architectures, instruction-level parallelism, memory hierarchy, shared-memory multiprocessors, interconnection networks, and clusters.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G) 
    Rstr: If prerequisite not met permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 531 - Parallel Processing Organization

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Pipelined computer organizations; array computers; multiprocessors; parallel process algorithms and software.

    Prereq: CSCE 530 
  • CSCE 533 - Distributed Computing Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Architectural support for Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Data Bases, including structural functions that must be architected to form an integrated Distributed Computer Organization that recognizes the requirements of Distributed Processing.

    Prereq: CMPS 455(G) , CSCE 513 , CSCE 530  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 534 - Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Models and methods for performance evaluation, service time distributions, scheduling algorithms, relations between distributions and scheduling, Markovian queues, queuing network models of computer systems, product form solutions, approximate solution, simulation of queuing networks, measurements on computer networks case studies.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G)  and CMPS 455(G) 
  • CSCE 535 - Introduction to Data Parallel Algorithms and Architectures

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Theory of systolic algorithms and architectures: (a) models of systolic computation, performance measures and theoretical bounds, (b) processors and interconnection networks: arrays, trees, hypercubes, mesh of trees, shuffle-exchange and butterfly, (c) algorithms for sorting, search, Fourier transforms, convolution, matrix computations and graph theory problems, (d) routing and graph embedding in massively parallel systems, scheduling and load balancing and (e) advanced topics: retiming, universal networks, PRAMS, DRAMS, and other new machine models.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G) , CSCE 500 
  • CSCE 536 - Embedded System Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design, programming, and applications of 32-bit ARM-based processor systems. Topics include: high-end embedded processors, ARM processor programmer model, ARM instructor set, thumb instructor set, ARM AMBA bus, ARM memory system, efficient C programming techniques, and embedded operating system.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G)  or permission of instructor required.
  • CSCE 538 - Entertainment Computing

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Hardware and software used in entertainment computing applications with a focus on games software. Software interfaces and tools used in game development including graphics, audio, video, speech, animation, interface design, and networking. Programming assignments using C++.

    Rstr: Permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 540 - Principles of the Theory of Computation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Classes of computable functions and recursion theory. Unsolvable and intractable problems. Deterministic and nondeterministic polynomial bounds on complexity; NP completeness. Abstract complexity theory.

    Prereq: CMPS 440(G)  and CSCE 500  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 541 - Automata Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Finite-state automata, their structure, decomposition and homomorphisms.

    Prereq: CMPS 440(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 542 - Formal Languages

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Abstract models of the definition and recognition of languages. Including production grammars and various abstract machine recognizers, and classification of languages induced by such recognizers.

    Prereq: CMPS 440(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 550 - Principles of Programming Languages

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Formal definitions and theory of programming languages. Specifying, verifying and reasoning about programs. Language processors (interpreters, type-checkers, translators) in a formal framework.

    Prereq: CMPS 450(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 551 - Principles of Compiler Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Detailed analysis of compiler construction. Topics to be covered include a study of techniques for semantic and syntactic analysis, parsers, scanners, organization and allocation of storage areas, and compiler compilers.

    Prereq: CMPS 451(G) 
  • CSCE 553 - Principles of Software Methodology

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fundamental characteristics of the software life cycle, as well as those tools, techniques, and management controls that can be applied throughout the development and maintenance of large software systems. Case studies of large-scale software efforts provide a foundation for analyzing success and failure in projects.

    Prereq: CSCE 550  
  • CSCE 555 - Principles of Operating Systems Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Parallel processing: communication and synchronization of processes in multiprocessing and distributed environments, proof of correctness. Deterministic scheduling. Introduction to queuing theory. Current research topics.

    Prereq: CMPS 455(G)  
  • CSCE 556 - Software Requirements and Specifications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Front-end software life cycle techniques and tools. Topics include requirements formulation, requirements analysis, specification languages, logical completeness, internal consistency, executable specifications, and automatic code generation systems.

    Prereq: CSCE 553 
  • CSCE 557 - Software Testing and Verification

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Techniques and tools that are used inn the testing and verification of reliable software. Topics include debugging, technical reviews, static analysis, dynamic analysis, test coverage, formal verification techniques, symbolic execution, and automatic test data generation.

  • CSCE 561 - Information Storage and Retrieval

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Fundamental principles of information storage and retrieval as related to textual data: file design, query languages, including natural language processing; analysis of information content by statistical, syntactic, and semantic methods; vocabulary control; indexing; system monitoring and performance evaluation. Comparative analysis of existing operational information storage and retrieval systems,

    Prereq: CMPS 460(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 562 - Principles of Database Management Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Formal development of the major components of a database management system. Topics include query languages, dependencies and normalization, query optimization, and distributed database management systems.

    Prereq: CMPS 460(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 564 - Information Retrieval Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Theoretical and modeling issues in information retrieval: automatic indexing; techniques for searching and ranking output; retrieval output evaluation; classical and user-oriented approached to automatic classification; relevance feedback; the role of decision model and machine learning, in particular learning by observation and learning by induction, in the above processes.

    Prereq: CMPS 460(G) 
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 565 - Advanced Database Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Advanced systems distributed databases, multi-database systems, data models, knowledge based management systems, data mining, user interfaces, database machine, integrity, security, recovery from failure, concurrency control and spatial, temporal, active deductive databases.

    Prereq: CSCE 562  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 566 - Data Mining

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Model representation, evaluation, and search methods in data mining; knowledge discovery; classification and clustering, trend and deviation analysis, dependency derivation; integrated discovery systems, augmented database systems, and applications.

    Prereq: CMPS 460(G) 
    Rstr: Permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 572 - Combinatorics and Geometric Algorithms

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Combinatorial mathematics and the application techniques of this area of mathematics to the optimization problems in computer science and engineering. Two major areas will be studied in this course, counting techniques and graph theory. The counting techniques will cover permutation, combination, pigeonhole principle, inclusion-exclusion principle, recurrence relation, generating function, Polya’s theorem, combinatorial design, and binomial coefficient. The graph theory will cover basic properties of finite and hyper graphs, graph coloring, Eulerian chains and cycles, Hamiltonian chains and cycles, trees, directed graphs, chromatic number, connectivity, 5-color theorem, and Euler’s formula for planar graphs.

    Prereq: CMPS 341  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 573 - Analog VLSI Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design circuits for neural networks applications, current mirrors, differential amplifiers, weighted multipliers, operational amplifiers and neuron cell design for brain-like computers; implementation in VLSI circuits using current CMOS, BiCMOS technology.

    Prereq: EECE 353  and CSCE 585 
  • CSCE 575 - Wireless Computing and Network Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Ad Hoc and cellular network systems, with focus on architectural and physical layer techniques, MAC and routing protocols, network modeling and simulation, system support for effective group communications, reliable and QoS transport systems, wireless computing and protocols.

    Prereq: CSCE 513  or equivalent
  • CSCE 576 - Mobile Computing and Applications

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Mobility affects on computing and applications, with an introduction to the design and implementations of mobile Internet protocol, ranging from physical layer to application layer. Deals with system support for mobility such as security, privacy, resource discovery, route management, and optimization, dynamic host configuration protocol and other related issues. Additional topics include basic emerging applications and technologies, such as power management, sensor networks, Bluetooth technology, and system modeling.

    Prereq: CSCE 513  or equivalent
  • CSCE 581 - Logic Design and Switching Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, state assignment and minimization techniques, fault diagnosis in switching circuits.

    Prereq: EECE 341 or equivalent
  • CSCE 582 - Computer Arithmetic

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Topics of computer number systems, number system structures, arithmetic operation, algorithms, implementation logic, high speed arithmetic, arithmetic unit design and fault tolerance of arithmetic logic units.

    Prereq: CSCE 530  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 583 - Computer Design and Implementation

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Design and methodology, processor design, control design, bit-slice design, and memory organization.

    Prereq: EECE 459  or equivalent
  • CSCE 584 - Fault Diagnosis of Digital Systems

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Logic model for faults, fault detection in combinational and sequential circuits, fault diagnosis design for testability, built-in testing.

    Prereq: CSCE 581  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 585 - VLSI Design

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    VLSI design methods, automation, design using PLA’s microprogrammed control design, impact of VLSI technology on computer architectures.

    Prereq: CMPS 430(G)  or permission of instructor required
  • CSCE 586 - VLSI Architecture

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    VLSI design issues. Datapath and control design; systolic arrays; multiprocessor layouts; wafer scale integration. Discussion on various ongoing projects such as RISC, CHIP.

    Prereq: CSCE 585 

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