2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog
Elementary Education, MAT
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The Master of Arts in Teaching degree program in Elementary Education is appropriate for individuals who do not hold any teaching certification. It is designed for those interested in acquiring the initial teaching skills for students at the elementary education level and, for those with French language proficiency, the pedagogical expertise required to teach in elementary French immersion programs.
Two concentrations are offered in the program: Elementary Education and Elementary French Immersion.
The program offers courses delivered in traditional, online, and hybrid formats, and all courses include state competency requirements for K-12 classroom teachers.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the general admission requirements of the Graduate School, admission to both concentrations of the Master of Arts in Teaching degree program in Elementary Education require submission of official score reports that demonstrate a passing score (or equivalent) on the Praxis Core and Elementary Content exams. Those applying to the Elementary French Immersion concentration also must demonstrate an intermediate-high level of French proficiency by either (1) having earned a four-year, undergraduate bachelor’s degree in French and/or Francophone Studies or (2) a score of B1 level on the European Framework exam (DELF)/Intermediate High on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Course Requirements
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree program in Elementary Education consists of 39 graduate credit hours that include the following components: - Core Courses (27 credit hours)
- Residency Courses (6 credit hours)
- Research Capstone Courses (6 credit hours)
Both concentrations include courses in educational foundations, reading, content methodology, management, and assessment. The Elementary Education concentration includes more assignments within the core courses related to Educational Research in Elementary. The Elementary French Immersion concentration includes more assignments within the core courses related to French Immersion pedagogy and additional coursework on immersion methods and specific linguistic issues pertaining to second language acquisition and the teaching of content courses in another language; in addition, candidates in this concentration must attain the advanced-low level to participate in the residency and an advanced-mid oral language proficiency level to complete the degree. Core Courses
All students must complete the following 27 credit hours of required core coursework: Residency Courses
All students are required to complete 6 hours of the following residency course over two semesters of study (Residency A in the Fall semester and Residency B in the Spring semester): Research Capstone Courses
Candidates for the MAT degree in Elementary Education shall demonstrate a general, comprehensive knowledge of the field of study upon successful fulfillment of the requirements of the following concentration-specific research capstone courses: Elementary Education Concentration: Elementary French Immersion Concentration: Graduation Requirements
- Satisfactory completion of all required coursework within the timelines and at the grade levels established by Graduate School policies.
- Praxis Exam Requirements: The requirements of the program are continually under examination and revision by the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). The University reserves the right to make changes as required by BESE. All enrolled candidates are subject to these changes.
- All required state licensure exams must be passed by established deadlines.
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