2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog
ABM - BSCHE Chemical Engineering / MSE Chemical Engineering Concentration
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The Accelerated Bachelor’s / Master’s (ABM) plan of study in Chemical Engineering, BSCHE and the Chemical Engineering Concentration, MSE allows highly qualified students to graduate with both a BSCHE and an MSE in Chemical Engineering Concentration in five years. To be eligible, students must demonstrate broad academic achievement and the capacity to work at the graduate level.
Admission, Application, and Grade, Credit & Time Requirements are outlined in the University’s policy.
Admission and Application Requirements
Students must meet the Admission, Application, & Grade, Credit, and Time Requirements oulined in the University’s ABM Policy. In addition to the University’s ABM Admission Requirements students must: - have Chemical Engineering, BSCHE (any concentration) declared as their primary major
During their senior year, students admitted to the ABM plan of study will be advised jointly by an Undergraduate Advisor and the Graduate Coordinator. The undergraduate degree graduation timeline for each student will be determined collaboratively with the student, Undergraduate Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, and Department Head. Following undergraduate degree completion, students will be advised by the Graduate Coordinator only. Course Requirements
Program Requirements for the BSCHE in Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering, BSCHE Chemical Engineering, BSCHE, Bioengineering Concentration Program Requirements for the MSE in Chemical Engineering Concentration Engineering, MSE, Chemical Engineering Concentration Approved ABM Courses Upon ABM admission and successful completion, the following graduate‐level courses are approved to satisfy both the BSCHE and MSE Chemical Engineering Concentration degree requirements as outlined below. No more than 9 graduate credit hours may be double counted toward the requirements of both degrees. Choose 9 credit hours from: A maximum of 3 cr hrs from the list below may be used to satisfy the 9 credit hours: - CHEE 416G - Biochemical Engineering Credit Hours: 3
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Chemical requirment: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) - CHEE 417G - Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering Credit Hours: 3
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Chemical requirment: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) - CHEE 418G - Industrial Waste Treatment Credit Hours: 3
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Chemical requirment: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) - CHEE 422G - Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Credit Hours: 3
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Chemical requirment: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) - CHEE 440G - Biomass to Energy Credit Hours: 3
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Chemical requirment: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) - CHEE 6XX
(Satisfies UGRD Jr/Sr Yr Requirement: Chemical Engineering 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies UGRD Jr/Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in CHEE or engineering courses) A maximum of 3 cr hrs from the list below may be used to satisfy the total 9 credit hours:
(Satisfies UGRD Sr Yr Requirement: Natural Sciences 3 cr hrs)
(Satifies Sr Yr Bioengineering Concentration: Concentration Elective 3 cr hrs)
(Satisfies GRAD requirement: 3 cr hrs in mathematics, statistics, or the sciences) - CHEM 402G - Chemistry of Materials Credit Hours: 3
- CHEM 501 - Advanced Physical Chemistry Credit Hours: 3
- CHEM 505 - Industrial Organic Chemistry Credit Hours: 3
- CHEM 510 - Polymer Science Credit Hours: 3
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