Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

*LCCN indicates Louisiana Common Course Number.


Music Theory History, Literature, Music Education

NOTE: Courses in methods of teaching vocal, band and orchestra in the schools and observation for music majors will be found listed in the Education (EDCI) section of the catalog.


  • MUS 337 - Methods of Teaching Orchestra in the Elementary School

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: Successful completion of all courses listen for freshman and sophomore years or student’s curriculum, a grade-point average of 2.2 overall in the major and minor fields of study.
  • MUS 338 - Methods of Teaching Orchestra in the Secondary School

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: Successful completion of all courses listen for freshman and sophomore years or student’s curriculum, a grade-point average of 2.2 overall in the major and minor fields of study.
  • MUS 339 - Methods of Teaching Piano in the Schools

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: Successful completion of all courses listen for freshman and sophomore years or student’s curriculum, a grade-point average of 2.2 overall in the major and minor fields of study.
  • MUS 341 - Guitar Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Familiarizes students with methods and techniques of teaching guitar.

  • MUS 343 - Beginning Composition

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated for credit; maximum four credit hours. Melodies, developmental techniques, and simple forms.

    Prereq: MUS 130  
  • MUS 346 - Class Guitar III

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Guitar instruction.

    Prereq: MUS 326  with a grade of “C” or better or permission of instructor
    Rstr: Music business majors.
  • MUS 347 - Class Guitar IV

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Guitar instruction.

    Prereq: MUS 346  with a grade of “C” or better or permission of instuctor
    Rstr: Music business majors.
  • MUS 350 - Tonal Counterpoint

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of 18th century counterpoint through development of written and analytical skills.

  • MUS 351 - Opera Workshop

    2 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated by vocal performance majors once for credit. Acting, history, and aria presentation.

  • MUS 352 - Musical Theatre Workshop

    2 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated by vocal performance majors once for credit. Performance skills, history and audition techniques.

  • MUS 355 - Music Industry in the 21st Century

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Current practices and technologies impacting the music industry.

    Prereq: MUS 238 
  • MUS 360 - Cajun and Zydeco Music

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of cajun, creole, and zydeco musical styles from their origins to current developments. Includes language, composition, performance, and socio-cultural implementations.

  • MUS 362 - Creole and Black Music in Louisiana

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    History and analysis of black music in Louisiana through jazz, blues and zydeco. Majors and non-majors.

  • MUS 364 - Music Appreciation: Music of the World

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Music as a universal human activity and as an expression of personal and group identity. Examples of traditional and popular music from contrasting music cultures worldwide.

  • MUS 365 - Introduction to Music Notation Software

    3 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Integration of computers in the art of producing notated scores and musical parts. Arranging/orchestration and current practices in music publishing and music engraving.

    Prereq: MUS 143 , MUS 290 , or permission of instructor required.
  • MUS 366 - Jazz History

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Development of jazz from musical and cultural perspectives. Open to non-majors.

  • MUS 370 - Music History I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of music in the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. Musicological perspective of human experiences in sociological, political, religious, economic, and philosophical endeavors.

  • MUS 371 - Piano Practicum I

    2 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Demonstration of ability to conduct group and private piano instruction at beginning levels.

    Prereq: MUS 271 
  • MUS 372 - Piano Practicum II

    2 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Demonstration of ability to conduct group and private piano instruction at the intermediate and advanced levels.

    Prereq: MUS 272  
  • MUS 376 - Audio Recording Techniques I

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Recording studio and the techniques involved in producing a professional recording, with emphasis on learning the mixing console, microphones and placement, outboard gear, and the tape recorder.

  • MUS 377 - Audio Recording Techniques II

    3 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Course is a continuation of Audio Recording Techniques. This lab will put into practice the techniques researched in the previous course. Each student will receive hands-on experience in the 16 track studio in all aspects of the professional studio.

    Prereq: MUS 376  with a grade of “C” or better
  • MUS 404 - Instrumental Arranging

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Prereq: MUS 290 
  • MUS 406 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    2 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Study of advanced techniques of choral conducting with emphasis on music selection, score analysis, rehearsal techniques and programming.

    Prereq: MUS 307 
  • MUS 408 - Jazz and Commercial Arranging I

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Idiomatic writing for rhythm section and wind instruments. Transposition, range, instrumental considerations, and writing in a four-part block chord style.

  • MUS 409 - Jazz and Commercial Arranging II

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Continuation of MUS 408. This course will examine arranging techniques in more detail. Emphasis will be on arranging a big band chart and examination of more contemporary styles of arranging and composition.

    Prereq: MUS 408 
  • MUS 413G - Orchestral Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Historical survey of compositions from the Mannheim School to the present.

  • MUS 416 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    2 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Coaching in the techniques of conducting instrumental ensembles. Includes assignment as assistant conductor of an ensemble in order to develop rehearsal and performance techniques.

    Prereq: MUS 307 
  • MUS 418G - String Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Covers two aspects of string teaching: a) techniques-improving performance; and b) string teaching materials method books, beginning orchestra and solo literature.

  • MUS 422 - Live Sound and Postproduction

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Live sound systems and combining of video and audio in postproduction.

    Prereq: MUS 376 
  • MUS 427 - Keyboard Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of keyboard literature from the Baroque era to modern times.

  • MUS 428G - Topics in Keyboard Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Contents may vary each time the course is offered. Advanced course for pianists on specialized topics.

    Prereq: MUS 427  
  • MUS 431 - Marching Band Techniques

    2 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Precision, pageantry and parade fundamentals, patterns, designs, charting, and music scoring.

  • MUS 434G - Band Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of the history of the literature for the symphonic band through the study of the styles of major band composers.

  • MUS 438 - Film Scoring I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Art of film scoring with an in-depth look into the history and technology. Scoring for video, including shot lists, use of SMPTE, click tracks, and other techniques leading to the final audio recording and dubbing to video.

  • MUS 439 - Film Scoring II

    3 Credit(s). 2 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Continuation of Film Scoring I. Emphasis of this course will be on the completion of an extended film score.

    Prereq: MUS 438 
  • MUS 450G - Traditional Musics of North America

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Preservation, transmission, and change in traditional music, using North American examples from several disciplinary perspectives including ethnomusicology, folkloristics, and cultural anthropology.

  • MUS 455 - Management, Booking and Touring

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Managing an artist’s career, booking performances and planning tours.

  • MUS 456 - Music Business Entrepreneurship

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Identifying opportunities, planning, implementing and operating a music industry business.

    Prereq: MUS 238  and MUS 355 .
  • MUS 457 - Legal Issues of Music Industry

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Issues related to music and entertainment industries, including intellectual property and contracts.

    Prereq: MUS 238 
  • MUS 458 - Music Business Internship

    1-15 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1-15 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Maybe repeated for a maximum of 15 credit hours. Experience in music business through supervised field work.

    Prereq: MUS 238 , MUS 355  and junior standing.
  • MUS 460G - Advanced Piano Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Literature and technique for the advancing piano student. Emphasis on stylistic considerations of music from all periods.

  • MUS 461G - Methods and Research in Vocal Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Physiological aspects of singing. Common deficiencies in techniques; methods of correction.

  • MUS 464G - Operatic Literature

    3 Credit(s). 1 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Detailed survey of the great operatic works in the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods.

  • MUS 465G - Song Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Literature of song from the 1600 to the present, with an emphasis on the 19th Century.

  • MUS 470 - Music History II

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Music in the Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary eras.

    Rstr: Must be a music major in upper division.
  • MUS 471G - Choral Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Choral literature, its sources, and criteria for selection according to use.

  • MUS 480 - Internship in Piano Teaching

    3 Credit(s). 3 Hour(s) Lab. 1 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Pre-professional field experience in piano teaching.

  • MUS 481G - Special Projects I

    1-4 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1-4 Hour(s) Lecture.

    May be repeated for maximum of four credit hours each time taken. Individual research or writing projects.

    Rstr: Permission of director of the School of Music and the instructor required.
  • MUS 490 - Senior Recital

    1-2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1-2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Senior performance recital for Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music Education Degrees. Two hours credit for B.M., one hour credit for B.M.E.

  • MUS 507 - Graduate Preparatory Survey II: Music Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Intended for graduate students for whom a one semester review of music theory would prove helpful. Will not count toward graduate degree requirements. CR/NC grading.

  • MUS 509 - Music Education in the Elementary School

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of teaching techniques and materials used in the classroom.

  • MUS 511 - Choral Techniques

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Advanced choral techniques and literature; comprehensive musicianship through choral and academic classes in music.

  • MUS 513 - Band Rehearsal Techniques

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Emphasis on rehearsal organization, verbal and non-verbal aspects, effective strategies, and improvement in performance quality.

  • MUS 514 - Orchestral Literature for Conductors

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 515 - Music Research and Bibliography

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Seminar will introduce the graduate music student to the bibliographic tools required for research in the discipline. Required course in all graduate degree programs in music.

  • MUS 517 - Topics in Music Education

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Content varies. May be repeated for credit once.

  • MUS 518 - Current Philosophies of Music

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Historical development and investigation of current philosophies of music as they relate to the contemporary performer and teacher.

  • MUS 519 - Administration and Supervision of the School Music Program

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Emphasis on purposes, functions and techniques.

  • MUS 520 - Voice

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 521 - Piano

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 522 - Harpsichord

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 524 - Flute

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 525 - Clarinet

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 526 - Oboe

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 527 - Bassoon

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 528 - Saxophone

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 529 - Trumpet

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 530 - Trombone

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 531 - Horn

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 532 - Baritone

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 533 - Tuba

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 534 - Violin

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 535 - Viola

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 536 - Cello

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 537 - String Bass

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 538 - Percussion

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 539 - Conducting

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 540 - Internship Recital

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Performance pedagogy only.

    Grading Option: Grades: CR, NC and W.
  • MUS 541 - Guitar

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 542 - Composition

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Advanced study in composition with correlated analysis and listening.

  • MUS 543 - Accordion

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 544 - Graduate Ensemble

    1-2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 1-2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Performance ensemble.

  • MUS 550 - Recital

    3-6 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3-6 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Grading Option: NC/CR
  • MUS 562 - Seminar in Music History

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Focuses upon broad historical topics chosen by the instructor. May be repeated once for credit.

  • MUS 565 - Topics in Ethnomusicology

    Content varies. May be repeated for credit. Topics including intellectual trends, disciplinary methods, and area studies. Alternate subtitles will appear on students’ transcripts.

  • MUS 571 - Opera

    3 Credit(s). 4 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Production techniques: a) artistic and administrative responsibilities; b) preparation; c) styles; d) artistic visualization; e) actual performance.

  • MUS 573 - Survey of Music Theory

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of Western-music history and styles from Ancient Greeks to the present. Emphasis on theoretic and other source readings.

  • MUS 575 - Music Theory Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Development of lesson plans, research, and practices for teaching music theory interactively in the college classroom. Field experiences include micro-teaching units in freshman/sophomore courses.

  • MUS 577 - Analysis of Tonal Music

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of theories of tonal music, and their corresponding analytical methods. Emphasis on Rameau, Riemann, and Schenker.

  • MUS 578 - Analysis of 20th Century Music

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Survey of contemporary music styles and techniques, with special emphasis on theories and analytic methods.

  • MUS 580 - Graduate Keyboard Literature

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Keyboard works from the baroque through twentieth century, emphasizing stylistic and performance aspects of the music.

  • MUS 582 - Choral Literature I

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Choral literature of the Medieval and Renaissance eras, its origins, development, and criteria for selection according to use.

  • MUS 583 - Choral Literature II

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Choral literature of the Baroque era, its origins, development, and criteria for selection according to use.

  • MUS 584 - Choral Literature III

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Choral literature of the Classical and Romantic eras, its origins, development, and criteria for selection according to use.

  • MUS 585 - Choral Literature IV

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Choral literature of the Modern era, its origins, development, and criteria for selection according to use.

  • MUS 595 - Directed Studies in Performance Pedagogy

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    In-depth exploration of selected topics specifically pertaining to various aspects of performance pedagogy in the student’s major area.

  • MUS 597 - Special Projects in Music Research

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

  • MUS 599 - Thesis Research and Thesis

    3-9 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3-9 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Grading Option: Grades: S, U, W.
  • MUS 899 - Examinations Only

    3 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 3 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Required of all graduate non-thesis students taking examinations, oral and/or written, who are not registered for any other course.

    Grading Option: S, U, W.

Nursing and Allied Health Professions

  • IPHE 310 - Professional Values, Ethical and Legal Tenets of Health Care

    2 Credit(s). 0 Hour(s) Lab. 2 Hour(s) Lecture.

    Principles of ethics and legal tenets in the delivery of care which impact the contemporary practice of health professionals. Emphasis on the confidential nature of health records, liability, consents, and compliance issues.

    Prereq: Health Services Administration majors only: HSA 201  and HSA 203  with a grade of “C” or better. Nursing majors only: NURS 208  and NURS 209  with a grade of “C” or better.
    Coreq: Health Information Management majors only: HIM 321 , HIM 323 , HIM 431 HIM 460  and LCHI 466 Nursing majors only: NURS 308  and NURS 309 .

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