Mar 23, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog

University Regulations & Policies

The University is dedicated to learning, to the advancement of knowledge, and to the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. It seeks to achieve its goals through a sound educational program that encourages independence and maturity. Upon enrolling in the University, each student assumes an obligation to obey all rules and regulations, whether of an academic or non-academic nature, made by properly constituted authorities, including, but not necessarily limited to, those rules contained throughout this Catalog and in the Code of Student Conduct. Each student is further obliged to preserve faithfully all property provided by the state for their education and to discharge their duties as a student with diligence, fidelity, and honor.

A student who is penalized for the violation of any rule or regulations of the University has the right of appeal. they may initiate their appeal of the specific rules or regulations to the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School or the Undergraduate College in which they are enrolled in the case of an academic matter, or in the case of a non-academic matter, under the rules specified by the Code of Student Conduct.

The University and its colleges and schools reserve the right to change the fees and the rules and calendar regulating admission, registration, instruction in, and graduation from the University and its various divisions and to change any other regulations affecting the student body. Changes shall go into effect whenever the proper authorities so determine and shall apply not only to prospective students but also to those who are already enrolled in the University.

Academic Honesty

A. Introduction

The University holds that all work for which a student wil l receive a grade or credit shall be an original contribution or shall be properly documented to indicate sources. Abrogation of this principle entails dishonesty, defeats the purpose of instruction, and undermines the high goals of the University. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Students shall be assumed to know the acceptable methods and techniques for proper documentation of sources and to avoid cheating and plagiarism in all work submitted for credit, whether prepared in or out of class.

B. Definitions of Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating, in the context of academic matters, is the term broadly used to describe all acts of dishonesty committed in taking tests or examinations and in preparing assignments. Cheating includes but is not limited to such practices as gaining help from another person or using unauthorized notes when taking a test, relying on a calculator if such an aid has been forbidden, and preparing an assignment in consultation with another person when the instructor expects the work to be done independently. In other words, cheating occurs when a student makes use of any unauthorized aids or materials. Furthermore, any student who provides unauthorized assistance in academic work is also guilty of cheating.

Plagiarism is a specific type of cheating. It occurs when a student claims originality for the ideas or words of another person, when the student presents as a new and original idea or product anything which in fact is derived from an existing work, or when the student makes use of any work or production already created by someone else without giving credit to the source. In short, plagiarism is the use of unacknowledged materials in the preparation of assignments. The student must take care to avoid plagiarism in research or term papers, musical compositions, science reports, laboratory experiments, and theses and dissertations.

C. Penalties

Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses. The minimum penalty for a student guilty of either dishonest act is a grade of “zero” for the assignment in question. The maximum penalty is dismissal from the University.

D. University Policy for Intellectual Property

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette administers and asserts ownership of intellectual property as allowed in the University of Louisiana System Intellectual Property Policy Intellectual Property and Shared Royalties (Policy Number FS.III.VI.-1, Effective July 1, 2002). This policy does apply to graduate students.

E. Thesis/Dissertation Copyright Ownership and Ownership of Related Intellectual Property

As provided in the University of Louisiana System Intellectual Property Policy Intellectual Property and Shared Royalties, the University does not assert ownership of Traditional Academic Copyrightable Works, such as student theses and dissertations. However, the University, through the Office of the Vice President for Research, may assert ownership of ideas conceived by a faculty member or data that are generated through sponsored research or faculty initiated experiments that are described in a Traditional Academic Copyrightable Work.

F. Rights to the Thesis/Dissertation Data and Authorship of Joint Publications

It is important that graduate students planning to write a thesis or dissertation seek information from their mentor and/or professor as to the expectations of authorship, order of listed authors, and assignment of copyright for any Traditional Academic Copyrightable Work at the beginning of any collaboration which may result in jointly published works.

Louisiana Board of Regents Standardized Academic Terms

For the purpose of identifying, advertising, and awarding of both undergraduate and graduate credentials, the following terms shall be used for diplomas, transcripts, catalogs, and all publications by public campuses and systems. A degree, technical diploma or certificate is an award conferred on a student by a college, university or professional school upon completion of a unified program of study including a grouping of campus-approved courses and requirements (e.g., minimum GPA). All levels of award are referenced in the aggregate as ‘Degrees’ in the CRIN.

  • Degree Title is the complete label of a Degree Program, consisting of a Degree Designation (e.g., Associate of Science) and the Degree Subject Area (e.g., Biology). It is listed in the Regents’ Inventory under the categories “Degree Level” and “Degree Description/Option” (e.g., Associate of Science in Biology).
    • The Degree Designation for each authorized program at public institutions of higher education is listed in the Board of Regents’ Inventory of Degree and Certificate Programs. Some professional programs include the name of the general subject area as part of the Degree Designation (e.g., Bachelor of Architecture, Master of Social Work) and are listed on the CRIN as approved by the Board of Regents. (A list of authorized designations is attached.)
    • Degree Subject Area is the primary discipline which constitutes the focus of a program of study listed in the Board of Regents’ Curriculum Inventory. The Degree Subject Area is the same as the Major (e.g., Biology; History; Sociology).

Curriculum is a listing of requirements for a degree or credential: required and elective courses, required program activities, and assessments. For the purpose of identifying, advertising, and awarding of undergraduate degrees, the following terms shall be used for diplomas, transcripts, catalogs, and other publications by public campuses and systems.

  • Major is that part of a Degree Program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline(s) or field(s). The name of the Major is consistent with the Degree Subject Area on the CRIN. A Major usually consists of 25% or more of total hours required in an undergraduate curriculum. Establishment of a Major requires prior approval by the Board of Regents.
  • Minor is that part of a Degree Program which consists of a specified group of courses in a particular discipline or field, consisting usually of 15% or more of total hours required in an undergraduate curriculum. Minors may be instituted without prior approval by the Board of Regents.
  • Concentration is an alternative track of courses within a Major or Option, accounting for at least 30% of the Major requirements. Concentrations may be instituted without prior approval by the Board of Regents. Example: a concentration in molecular biology within a biology major.
  • An Option is an alternative track of courses within a Major, accounting for 50% to 80% of the Major requirements. Establishment of an Option requires prior approval by the Board of Regents; options are listed on the CRIN.

For consistency and clarity the terms “Emphasis,” “Track,” “Specialization,” or any word other than those listed above describing the sub-unit of an undergraduate Major may not be used on diplomas, transcripts, or in catalogs.

Explanation of General Terms

College:  There are eight colleges in the University, each of which offers degree programs leading to the baccalaureate degree. A college may consist of a number of departments and schools.

School:  A school is a unit which lacks one or both of the following: (1) a distinct and separate faculty and (2) degree-granting power. The Graduate School, for example, has degree-granting power but not a separate faculty. It coordinates the work of students who have already obtained a baccalaureate degree and have been admitted to the School for advanced work toward the master’s or doctoral degree.
Within the College of the Arts, the School of Architecture and the School of Music offer training in single fields of study.

Department:  The unit of instructional organization in a particular discipline is called a department (for example, Department of English).

Academic Year:  The term “academic year” is generally used to refer to that period of time covering the Fall and Spring Semesters.

Prerequisite:  A prerequisite is an academic requirement which must be satisfied prior to enrolling in a course. A student requesting a course must have completed all prerequisites listed for that course or must otherwise satisfy the instructor and the head of the department that they have had the equivalent preparation.

Corequisite:  A corequisite is an academic requirement which must be satisfied concurrent with enrollment in a course. A student requesting a course must satisfy all corequisites for that course or must otherwise satisfy the instructor and the head of the department that they have either had the equivalent preparation or is currently satisfying the requirement by some other means.

Credit:  A credit is a measurement of course work completed satisfactorily. Ordinarily, one semester-hour credit is given for one hour of class attendance a week for a period of one semester. However, in some courses, such as laboratory courses, two or three “clock hours” of attendance a week are required to earn one semester hour. A specified number of credits must be earned for a degree. Other colleges and universities may operate on a “quarter basis,” that is, dividing the year into four quarters and giving quarter credits. Quarter credits multiplied by two-thirds equal semester credits. Semester credits multiplied by one and one-half equal quarter credits.

Continuing Education Unit:  One Continuing Education Unit or CEU is defined to be ten hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.

Curriculum:  The term curriculum is generally used to refer to the total academic program of the University or the academic program of a single college or the academic program of an individual department. The curriculum thus includes both course offerings and degree programs.


Undergraduate:  This term is applied to a student who has not yet received their baccalaureate degree.

Upperclassman:  A student who is classified as a sophomore, a junior, or a senior is called an upperclassman.

Post-Baccalaureate Student:  A Post-Baccalaureate Student is one who holds at least the bachelor’s degree but who has not been admitted to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Graduate School and is not pursuing a degree, but who wishes to take courses for undergraduate credit. A post-baccalaureate student may not take courses for graduate credit. Any course taken while classified as a Post-Baccalaureate Student cannot be later counted toward a graduate degree. A student pursuing an additional baccalaureate degree should apply as a degree-seeking student.

Graduate Student:  The term “Graduate Student” is applied to a student who has been officially admitted to the Graduate School.

Resident:  The term “resident” is generally used to refer to the resident status of a student for fee purposes. A student who meets the criteria as specified in the section entitled Residency Regulations is a Louisiana resident for fee purposes. A student who does not meet these criteria is a non-resident for fee purposes.

In Residence:  A student “in residence” is enrolled in regular university classes as opposed to extension classes or correspondence study. Students regularly admitted to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette are considered to be “in residence” when enrolled in either day or evening classes.

Class Attendance

A. Introduction

Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the University.

B. Attendance Records and Individual Class Policy

  1. Faculty members shall keep a permanent attendance record for each class. These records are subject to inspection by appropriate College or University officials.
  2. Faculty members shall develop and implement their own absence policies which will include guidelines for what are construed as excused, unexcused, and excessive absences. The determination of what constitutes “excessive absences” rests with the instructor alone, with the exception that students who miss class because of required participation in authorized and approved University-sponsored events are not considered absent for purposes of calculating excessive absences in an attendance policy. University-sponsored events include, for example, necessary academic field trips, debate tournaments, and intercollegiate athletic team travel. Students who participate in such University-sponsored events should notify their instructors of their scheduled absences as far in advance as possible, so that the students may complete work that might otherwise be missed. Instructors should not penalize such students for missing class.
  3. Faculty members are required to state in writing and explain to their students their expectations in regard to both class attendance and makeup work due to all absences prior to the close of the first week of classes during a regular semester and the third day of classes during a summer session.

C. Justification for Absences

  1. A student shall submit to the instructor justification for an absence(s) after the student returns to their class. However, if the student has prior knowledge that they will miss certain classes, justification should be submitted to these instructors in advance of the absences. Students who participate in University-sponsored events should inform their instructors in advance of their absences.
  2. If the instructor feels there has been a violation of the Code of Student Conduct (e.g. 15.16 - Furnishing false information…with intent to deceive), the student should be referred to the Department of Student Personnel for possible disciplinary action. If the student feels that they have been unfairly denied an excused absence, the student may appeal first to the department head of the course and then, if necessary, to the Academic Dean of the course, who will consider the case and attempt to resolve the problem. If the case cannot be satisfactorily resolved at these levels, it will be referred to the Dean of Students who may refer the case to the Ombudsman. Final appeal in such a case will be to the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards for undergraduate students and to the Graduate Council for graduate students.
  3. Extended absences due to illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control should be reported by the student to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will notify the instructor(s) of the circumstances surrounding the absence.
  4. Students are responsible for all class work missed, regardless of the reason for the absence. Immediately upon the student’s return to class, a conference should be arranged with the instructor to determine what action on the student’s part is necessary to compensate for the time lost and materials missed due to the absence.

D. Effects of Excessive Absences

When a student accumulates justified or unjustified class absences which are considered excessive (except absences incurred due to authorized and approved University sponsored events such as necessary academic field trips or debate, judging, and intercollegiate athletic team travel), the instructor may recommend to the student that they withdraw from the course prior to the deadline printed in the schedule of classes. If a student chooses not to withdraw from the course, the instructor will award a grade to the student at the end of the semester or session which is in keeping with the class policy on attendance which was distributed at the beginning of the semester or session (refer to B.3 above.)

Educational Assessment

UL Lafayette reserves the right to use educational assessment devices in any traditional or distance-learning course. Educational assessment is defined as the systematic collection, interpretation, and use of information about student characteristics, educational environments, learning outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction to improve program effectiveness, student performance and professional success. Participation in such assessment activities, when they are offered or used, is a required activity of all students.

Graduate Course and Credit Regulations

A. Credit Hour Definition

A credit is a measurement of course work completed satisfactorily. For purposes of the application of this policy and in accord with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement of outcomes that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

A specified number of credits must be earned for a degree.

Other colleges and universities may operate on a “quarter basis,” that is, dividing the year into four quarters and giving quarter credits. Quarter credits multiplied by two-thirds equal semester credits. Semester credits multiplied by one and one-half equal quarter credits.

B. Curriculum Definition

The term curriculum is generally used to refer to the total academic program of the University or the academic program of a single college or the academic program of an individual department. The curriculum thus includes both course offerings and degree programs

C. Classification of Courses

(Courses numbered below 400 are offered only for undergraduate credit.)

400-499 These course numbers may carry a G, which means that graduate students must take them for graduate credit. Instructors are required to distinguish different assignments and grading practices for graduate and undergraduate students in 400G courses.
500-999 Graduate-level courses open only to graduate students.

D. Course Limitations and Restrictions

  1. General limitations on graduate coursework include the following:
    1. Only courses approved by the Graduate Council may be taken for graduate credit.
    2. A student cannot receive graduate credit for any course without having been admitted to the Graduate School prior to enrolling in the course. A student cannot receive graduate credit for any course in which a freshman or sophomore student is enrolled.
  2. Graduate credit cannot be earned for a course previously completed for undergraduate credit with an undergraduate grade recorded. The course may not be rescheduled for graduate credit, nor may the undergraduate credit be changed retroactively to graduate credit.
  3. Credits applied toward a non-doctoral degree may not be older than six years on the date the degree is conferred. Credits applied towards a doctoral degree may not be older than nine years.
  4. Graduate credit cannot be earned through credit examinations.
  5. A non-doctoral student may earn a maximum of 6 semester-hours of graduate credit for application toward a graduate degree in courses in the sequence 497-498, 597-598, and 697-698 or in other individual or special-studies courses. A doctoral student may earn a maximum of 12 hours of credit in such courses for application toward the Ph.D. degree.

E. Course Load

  1. The maximum course load for a graduate student is 16 semester hours during a regular semester or 9 during a summer session. Under special circumstances, a student registered for graduate work may also pursue undergraduate courses for undergraduate credit. In such cases, the maximum number of hours, both graduate and undergraduate, is 16 during a regular semester or 9 during a summer session.
  2. To qualify as a full-time student, a graduate student must carry a minimum of 9 semester credit hours during a regular semester and a minimum of 6 semester credit hours during a summer session.
  3. No specific minima are specified for part-time students. The course load for a part-time student shall be adjusted according to the time devoted to graduate classes, research, and study.
  4. A graduate assistant must be a full-time student during any semester in which an assistantship is held. The academic load for a graduate assistant shall be adjusted to fit the particular situation. Assistants with full assistantship responsibilities must take 9 semester hours of graduate-level courses during a semester.

F. Credit Hour Policy

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette adheres to the Louisiana State Board of Regents’ Seat-time Policy for Academic Credit, which states, in part, that

All classes [awarding three credits] must be of reasonable length and include both content and contact sufficient to maintain high academic quality and standards commensurate with credit hours awarded for a “traditional” three semester-hour lecture class.

The student learning outcomes for a course must be the same, regardless of whether the credit hour(s) is/are delivered int he traditional format or through equivalent academic activities. For online, hybrid, or other courses offered in non-traditional format where no traditional course section is available for comparison, courses must include contact and content sufficient to maintain high academic quality and standards commensurate with credit hours awarded and parallel to equivalent face-to-face courses. This includes but is not limited to internships, independent studies, experiential learning activities, and online courses. For all modes of delivery, instructors’ expectations for learner participation in required course interactions (frequency, length, time minimums) must be clearly stated, and must constitute equivalent instruction to other modes of deliver of the same or similar course material.

G. Transfer of Credit Policy

  1. The Graduate School recognizes the appropriateness of accepting credits completed at another regionally-accredited institution for coursework there that is equivalent to coursework here. The principle involved is one of correspondence between credit asked for and credit offered in the Graduate School. A maximum of 12 semester hours of transfer graduate credit may be applied toward fulfillment of requirements for the master’s degree. The number of hours transferred may not, however, exceed one-third of the semester hours required for the degree. The maximum number which can be transferred in a 30 or 33 hour program is 9. An unspecified number of semester hours of transfer graduate credit may be applied toward fulfillment of requirements toward the doctoral degree, but more than 50 percent of the coursework semester hours applied toward a doctoral degree must be earned at UL Lafayette. Transfer of graduate credit requires the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School and is subject to the following conditions:
    1. The student must be a degree-seeking student in regular admission status. A student may not have graduate credits transferred to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette while in conditional status.
    2. The student shall have earned the credits in residence as a graduate student in an accredited United States institution that regularly grants the master’s degree and/or the doctoral degree. Transfer credits from non-U.S. institutions may be granted upon special petition to the Graduate Appeals Committee. In such cases, the evidence presented in favor of transfer shall be extremely persuasive.
    3. The credits must not have been earned after having become ineligible to continue graduate study at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
    4. Each course transferred must be acceptable to the student’s major department.
    5. A grade of B or better must have been earned in each course.
    6. Time limitations must be satisfied. Credits applied toward a master’s degree may not be older than six years on the date the degree is conferred; nine years for a doctoral degree.
    7. The application for transfer must be made in writing according to the procedure specified by the Graduate School office.
    8. A University of Louisiana at Lafayette graduate student wishing to earn course credits at another institution to be applied toward completion of degree requirements is urged first to secure prior written permission from the major department and the Dean of the Graduate School.
  2. Transfer of credit shall not reduce minimum residence requirements.
  3. Written notification of the action taken on a transfer request will be given to the student.
  4. Transfer of graduate credit does not automatically mean application of such credit toward completion of degree requirements. Use of transferred credits for a curriculum other than the one for which they were originally intended requires approval of the department concerned and the Dean of the Graduate School.
  5. A student wishing to use credits earned while in Entrée status toward completion of degree requirements must have such credits transferred to the degree program, meeting all the appropriate conditions specified above. No more than 2 courses taken while in Entrée status can be applied to the fulfillment of degree requirements.
  6. In the case of multiple master’s degrees, as many as 9 semester hours of graduate credit earned at a regionally accredited American institution and applied toward one master’s degree may be used towards a second master’s degree. The department in which the second degree is pursued and the Dean of the Graduate School must both approve the request. Credit toward a second master’s degree may not be at variance with regulations regarding residence requirements, grade-point average, or restrictions on transfer of credit.

Transfer coursework must be relevant to the program and have course content and a level of instruction equivalent to that offered by the University’s own graduate programs. Approval for acceptance of transfer credit to a student’s curriculum must be approved and justified by the student’s academic program and submitted to the dean of the Graduate School for final approval on the Request for Transfer Credit form.

H. Committee on Graduate Curriculum Guidelines

The purpose of the Graduate Curriculum Committee is to evaluate graduate course additions, deletions, or changes and to make recommendations to the Graduate Council.

The committee shall follow University style and guidelines as set by offices of Academic Affairs and the Registrar for course additions, deletions, and changes.

Prior to reaching the committee, the completed forms signed by the individual initiating the course change, the department head/school director, and the dean of the college are sent to an administrative staff member in the Academic Affairs to check for compliance with the University style guide and completion of information. If style is incorrect or information is missing, a member of the Academic Affairs staff shall work with the Graduate School staff to gather the necessary information and/or shall return forms to the individual who initiated the form.

Upon review and acceptance by Academic Affairs and the Graduate School, completed forms signed by the individual initiating the course change, the department head/school director, and the dean of the college, are digitized by the Graduate School and provided to the committee chairperson to facilitate committee review. In evaluating the courses the major concerns of the committee are the following:

  1. The clarity of the course title, description, and any prerequisite and/or co-requisite requirements.
  2. The justification for the course addition, deletion, or change to the course.
  3. Duplication and/or infringement on another department’s domain.
  4. Quality of the course, qualifications of the faculty, and resources available for the course.

Course proposals may be tentatively approved by the committee pending satisfactory explanation of minor questions. Final approval is left to the discretion of the committee chairperson. Courses not approved by the committee are sent back to the department from which they originated with an explanation of why the course was not approved.

The committee considers course proposals, makes recommendations for approval/denial, and submits a written report to the Graduate Council. A copy of the report is presented to the members of the Graduate Council for consideration and approval. Course proposals approved by the committee are presented to the Graduate Council for its approval.

System of Grading

A. Undergraduate Course and Credit Regulations 

B. Graduate Course and Credit Regulations 

Guidelines for Appealing Unfair and/or Capricious Final Grades

A. Purpose

A UL Lafayette student who feels that they have received an unfair and/or capricious final grade in a course at UL Lafayette has a right for their complaint to be heard in a fair and unbiased manner consistent with existing due process guidelines. The following procedure is the mechanism whereby the student can realize that right.

B. Conditions for Appealing Grades

  1. The following appeal procedure shall not be used to question the professional judgment of an instructor or the content of an examination. Only final grades in a course may be appealed. Individual test scores in any course are not subject to this appeal procedure. Such problems should be handled through discussion between the student and the appropriate instructor and/or department head.
  2. In order to avoid any misunderstanding of the reasons why a final grade may be appealed, the following is a list of the conditions that are grounds for appeal:
    1. When the student contends that the professor has violated the professor’s own specified grading standards resulting in a detriment to the student’s final grade. In this regard it should be noted that the syllabus including the instructor’s grading criteria is a plan not a contract. For many reasons an instructor may modify these criteria during the term of a course. Such changes are proper if announced in writing and/or using course management software to all students in the class.
    2. When the student contends to have been subject to grading criteria different from those used to evaluate the academic work of other students in the class.
    3. When the student contends that the instructor demanded as a condition of passing a course any condition not germane to the subject matter of the course.

C. Procedure for Appealing Grades

  1. A student who contends that they have received an unfair and/or capricious final grade under one of the conditions which are grounds for appeal should follow the procedure outlined below.
    1. In the case of a grade awarded at the end of a fall or summer session, the student MUST initiate the appeal procedure within twenty (20) school days of the end of the fall semester or summer session in which the grade was received. If the grade in question is given at the end of a spring semester, the appeal will not be heard until the subsequent fall semester, and the twenty (20) school-day period during which the appeal must be initiated will begin on the first class day of that subsequent fall semester.
      1. The appeal procedure is initiated by the student notifying the University Ombudsman of their intention to appeal a final grade and providing the Ombudsman with their name and student number, the instructor’s name, the course name and number, the grade received, and the semester in which the grade was received. The student will furnish in writing to the Ombudsman an account of why they feel that the final grade received in the course in question was unfair and/or capricious. The Ombudsman may assist the student in the preparation of this written complaint, which must include a specific designation of the grounds for the student’s appeal, as listed in II-B above.
      2. The University Ombudsman should at this time accomplish the following:
        1. Ensure that the twenty (20) school-day period for appeal has not passed.
        2. Ensure that the student’s reason for appealing the final grade is consistent with the “conditions which are grounds for appeal” as given in II-B above.
        3. Explain this procedure to the student in order that they may be knowledgeable concerning the appeal process.
        4. If the student’s appeal involves disciplinary matters the Ombudsman should consult with the Office of the Dean of Students and help the student to resolve these issues and proceed no further with a grade appeal.
        5. If the student grade appeal involves allegations of sexual harassment or retaliation related to sexual harassment, the Ombudsman should inform the student that the procedure is for the student to talk to the Office of the Dean of Students, the university Title IX officer, or the Counseling Center. The grade appeals process should be put on hold until the harassment issue is resolved.
      3. The student will have fifteen (15) school days from the date of initiation of the appeal to accomplish that portion of the procedure outlined in III-A-2 below. If the student does not report back to the Ombudsman as specified in III-A-3 below within the allotted fifteen (15) school-day period, it will be assumed that the problem has been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, and the appeal case will be closed.
  2. The student meets, talks, and presents their written complaint in a meeting with the instructor, the department head, and the appropriate academic dean (dean in charge of area in which course is offered-not necessarily the student’s academic dean or if the grade in question is in a graduate course, the Graduate Dean) in an attempt to resolve the final grade problem. The dean will actively try to resolve the issue at this meeting. If a solution that is acceptable to all parties concerned is reached, the appeal case is considered closed with no further action required. Fifteen (15) school days are allowed for this portion of the grade appeal.
  3. If the final grade problem is not resolved by the procedure in III-A-2 above, the student will contact the Ombudsman and the following steps in the appeal process will be instituted.
    1. The Ombudsman will investigate the student’s complaint in order to acquaint themselves as much as possible with all the facts of the case and accumulate evidence concerning the student’s charges. This investigation must be completed within fifteen (15) school days. If the Ombudsman cannot substantiate the student’s charges they are to inform the student that the appeal should not go forward.
    2. If the Ombudsman finds a basis to go forward with the grade appeal, within ten (10) school days of the completion of III-A-3a above, the Ombudsman will call a meeting between the student, the instructor, and the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will notify the instructor’s  department head and dean of the meeting, and either one or both of them may attend if they wish. The primary order of business at this meeting will be to ensure that both the student and the instructor understand the nature and extent of the grading complaint. The Ombudsman  should consider it their duty to mediate the dispute. Obviously, if a settlement of the case can be effected at this point, it would be welcomed. The Ombudsman shall put in writing the nature of the agreement, if one is reached and the instructor and the student will sign the  agreement. The Ombudsman shall send copies to the student, the instructor, the department head, the dean, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    3. Within ten (10) school days after the meeting between the student, the instructor, and the Ombudsman has been held, if a settlement has not been reached and the student wishes to pursue the appeal, they will prepare, with the assistance of the Ombudsman, seven copies of their written complaint and any supplemental material and hand deliver copies to the appropriate instructor, department head, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Chair of the Grade Appeals Committee. The student and the Ombudsman will each keep a copy of this letter of complaint and supplements.
    4. The instructor shall have ten (10) school days after receiving the student’s written complaint and any supporting materials to prepare their response and supporting materials and hand deliver them to the Chair of the Grade Appeals Committee.
    5. The Chair of the Appeals Committee shall provide each member of the hearing committee - at least two (2) days before the hearing - the student’s complaint and supporting materials, the instructor’s response and materials, Parts I and II of this policy, and the internal guidelines of the committee. The student and faculty materials must be returned to the Committee Chair at the conclusion of the hearing.
  4. Upon receipt of the materials mentioned in III-A-3c and III-A-3d above, the chair of the Grade Appeals Committee will call a meeting of the committee; the meeting should take place no later than ten (10) school days after receipt of the materials. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear the student’s complaint and the instructor’s response and to determine whether the student’s complaint should or should not receive further hearing. The Grade Appeals Committee will conduct the hearing in accordance with the following guidelines.
    1. At least five (5) members of the Grade Appeals Committee, preferably a mix of faculty and students, must be present during the hearing.
    2. An audio recording of the hearing must be made.
    3. The student, the Ombudsman, the instructor, and the instructor’s department head will appear before the Grade Appeals Committee. The student and the instructor may each bring an advisor of their choice drawn from the university community.
    4. The following procedure will be followed during the hearing unless the procedure is changed before the hearing by majority vote of the Grade Appeals Committee
      1. The student and/or Ombudsman presents the student’s complaint and evidence to support the allegation(s).
      2. The instructor and/or advisor presents the instructor’s response to the charges and evidence to support their position.
      3. Each side may present a rebuttal.
      4. The members of the Committee ask any questions relevant to the criteria in B2 that they feel necessary to clarify the matter under study.
      5. When the members of the Committee are satisfied that they have the information necessary for action on the student’s complaint, all non-members will be asked to leave the room.
      6. The Committee Chair will remind the committee that the professional judgment of an instructor or the content of an exam shall not be questioned and all appeals must meet one or more of the criteria listed in B2. After any needed discussion, the Committee will determine one and only one question by secret ballot-whether or not the facts as presented provide sufficient reason for a further hearing of the case. All members of the Committee present must vote for or against the question. A majority vote is required to sustain the appeal. A tie vote, as is the case in parliamentary procedure, is in effect a negative vote.
  5. The Grade Appeals Committee must recommend that the student’s complaint either should or should not receive further hearing. The Committee’s decision should be communicated verbally to the student and the instructor after the hearing if they are still present. The decision must be delivered in written form to the Academic Vice President along with the audio recording of the hearing by the Chair of the Committee within one (1) school day of the conclusion of the hearing. In addition, the Chair must notify in writing, the Ombudsman, the student, the instructor, the instructor’s department head, and the instructor’s dean of the Committee’s decision; notification should occur within three (3) school days of the conclusion of the hearing.
    1. In the event of a negative recommendation by the Committee, its work is done and the appeal process normally ends at this point. However, in order to ensure total due process, the student has the opportunity to appeal the decision of the Grade Appeals Committee to the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards (CAAS) for undergraduate cases and to the Graduate Council for graduate cases.
      1. Any appeal of a negative decision by the Grade Appeals Committee must be made by the student through the Ombudsman. If a student decides to appeal, within five (5) school days of his receipt of the written notice of the negative decision of the Committee, the Ombudsman will notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Secretary of the CAAS or the Dean of the Graduate School, as appropriate, in writing of the student’s intention to appeal. This written notice of intent to appeal must set forth in detail the reasons why the student is appealing the committee’s decision.
      2. If the appeal is to the CAAS, the secretary of the CAAS will constitute a three-member subcommittee of the CAAS to hear the appeal. The subcommittee will consist of one academic dean, one faculty member, and one student; the secretary shall choose the three by lot from the CAAS membership. (A CAAS member who is directly involved in the case at hand-e.g., the dean of the accused instructor’s college-may not serve on the appeal subcommittee.)
      3. If the appeal is by a graduate student, the Dean of the Graduate School will constitute a three-member subcommittee of the Graduate Council to hear the appeal. The subcommittee will consist of two members of the Graduate Council chosen by lot and the Graduate Student Organization President or their appointee. (A Graduate Council member who is directly involved in the case at hand may not serve on the appeal subcommittee.)
      4. The meeting of the Graduate Council or CAAS appeal subcommittee must be held within ten (10) school days of the receipt of the written notification of the intent to appeal. This meeting will be for the purpose of considering the student’s request for a further hearing. The subcommittee of the CAAS or the Graduate Council will have access to the letter requesting a further hearing, the student’s original letter of complaint and any supplementary material, the faculty member’s response and any supplementary material and the audio recording of the hearing before the Grade Appeals Committee for use in deciding whether or not the student’s case deserves further hearing. Either body may request other evidence which it feels is pertinent to the case.
      5. If the CAAS or Graduate Council appeal subcommittee rules that the case should not receive further hearing (in effect, upholding the decision of the Grade Appeals Committee), the appeals case ends at this point and the student’s appeal is denied. The Vice President for Academic Affairs must be notified in writing of the ruling and must notify in writing the student, the Ombudsman, and the instructor; such notification must occur within three (3) school days after the ruling is made. If the ruling is in the student’s favor, the procedure outlined in III-A-6 below will be put into effect.
  6. In the event of a positive recommendation by the Grade Appeals Committee, the appeal case will be heard by either the CAAS, for undergraduate students or by the Graduate Council, for graduate students.
    1. The hearing should follow the same guidelines as those for the hearing before the Grade Appeals Committee [see III-A-4d-(1) through (6)] with one exception: both the student and the instructor may call witnesses to support their respective positions. The student and the instructor may each bring to the hearing an advisor of their choice drawn from the University community.
    2. The hearing will be held as soon as practical after the Academic Vice President has been notified of the Grade Appeals Committee’s favorable decision, but no later than fifteen (15) school days from this notification date or fifteen (15) school days from the favorable decision on an appealed Grade Appeals Committee decision. The CAAS or the Graduate Council, as appropriate, will be notified of the hearing date by the Secretary of the CAAS or the Dean of the Graduate School, depending on which body will hold the hearing.
    3. The CAAS or the Graduate Council, as appropriate, must by secret ballot, first decide one question: whether the student received an unfair or capricious final grade (as defined in Part II) in the course in question. The burden of proof of the allegation rests with the student. A tie vote, as is the case in parliamentary procedure, is in effect a negative vote.
    4. The decision reached by the CAAS or the Graduate Council will be binding on all parties involved.
      1. In the event that the decision is against the student, the appeals case ends and the student’s appeal is denied.
      2. In the event that the decision is in favor of the student, the CAAS or the Graduate Council will then decide, by means of a secret ballot, the student’s final grade for the course in question. If the challenged grade is an “F”, the grade (except in unusual circumstances) shall be changed to “CREDIT.” If the challenged grade is “B”, “C”, or “D”, the CAAS or the Graduate Council may recommend either the grade of “CREDIT” or a “LETTER GRADE” as the facts of the case warrant. The Chair of the CAAS or the Graduate Council will then notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Committee’s decision. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will then direct the Registrar to carry out the recommended grade change, citing enough of the facts of the case to justify the grade change for the Registrar’s records.
    5. The Chair of the CAAS or the Graduate Council must notify the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the ruling within one (1) full school day. The Academic Vice President must notify in writing the student, the Ombudsman, and the instructor of the decision within three (3) school days of the ruling of the CAAS or Graduate Council.

University of Louisiana System Residency Regulations

A. Requirements

Because resident classification is an important part of fee determination, admission regulations and other policies of the University of Louisiana system institutions, it is important that system institutions have fair and equitable regulations which can be administered consistently and still respect the interests of both the students and the taxpayers of Louisiana. It is the responsibility of the student to provide system institutions with such evidence as deemed necessary to establish their residence status.

B. Definition of Residency

Pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution No. 226 of 1986 the following definition of residency shall apply for fee assessment purposes effective the fall semester, 1987:

A resident student for tuition purposes is defined as one who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in the State of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which resident classification is sought. “Domicile,” as the term is used in the context of residence regulations, is defined as an individual’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation at which the individual remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes, and the place to which the individual returns after an absence. A nonresident student for tuition purposes is a student not eligible for classification as a resident.

The individual’s physical presence within this state for one year must be associated with the substantial evidence that such presence was with the intent to maintain a Louisiana domicile. Physical presence within the state solely for education purposes without substantial evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana will not be sufficient for resident classification regardless of the length of time within the state.

However, discreet categories of individuals may be defined as special residents if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Louisiana or as mandated from time to time by federal or state government.

C. Determination of Status

The residence status shall be determined in accordance with Board rules and shall be based upon evidence provided in the application for admission and related documents. Residence status shall be determined by the office of the registrar and or admissions officer after the completed application for admission has been submitted. The rules shall be based primarily on the location of the home and the place of employment. Residence status may not be acquired by an applicant or student while residing in Louisiana for the primary purpose of attending school. Residence tuition, for fee purposes only, will be granted to non-resident graduate students registered for three semester hours or less and undergraduate students registered for six semester hours or less in any session, or all non-resident students enrolled in up to six semester hours of graduate or undergraduate courses offered through web-based instruction, when domiciled outside of the state of Louisiana and not enrolled in any other courses at the university. The following conditions may be used in determining residence status:

  1. An applicant living with their parents is classified as a resident if the parents have established a bona fide residence in Louisiana. Ordinarily a parent is considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if they actually reside and are employed full time in the State. A parent who is unemployed may be considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if there is convincing evidence that the person continuously resides in Louisiana. If only one parent qualifies as a resident of Louisiana, the student shall be classified as a resident provided that student resides with the parent who is a resident of Louisiana. An applicant who resides in Louisiana and is employed full time in another state, may be classified as a resident. In such case, appropriate documentary evidence shall be presented.
  2. A student residing with their parents who enrolls as a nonresident shall be classified as a resident if their parents move to Louisiana and acquire residence as defined in these regulations.
  3. A student may be declared a resident if either parent is a graduate of the institution which they attend. A student that graduates with an associate or higher degree may be classified as a resident for subsequent enrollment at that same institution (this applies only to U.S. citizens). (This revision approved 3/26/99)
  4. A person may be classified as a resident of Louisiana at the end of twelve consecutive months of residence if they have been employed in Louisiana and if during that period they have not been registered in an educational institution for more than six semester hours or its equivalent in any semester. A person who is unable to be employed and who has not been registered in any educational institution for more than six semester hours or its equivalent in any semester may acquire residence in Louisiana if there is convincing evidence that they continuously resided in Louisiana for twelve consecutive months immediately preceding registration. In order to be eligible for in-state tuition in a given semester, the person must have lived in Louisiana for 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of the semester.
  5. A student who is married to a Louisiana resident may acquire the residence status of their spouse.
  6. A person who resides in Louisiana for at least two years, exclusive of military service, and then moves to another state or foreign country shall retain the right to enroll themselves or any dependents as a resident for a period equal to the number of years of residence in Louisiana, but the right shall expire upon the person’s residing for a period of two years in another state or foreign country.
  7. A member of the armed forces currently stationed in Louisiana and their dependents shall be classified as Louisiana residents. A member of the armed services who was stationed in Louisiana immediately prior to their release from active duty may enroll themselves or any dependents as residents during a period not to exceed six months after the date of release provided that the term of active duty shall have been no less than 12 consecutive months.
  8. A member of the armed forces who was a resident of Louisiana immediately prior to entering the armed forces shall retain the right for themselves or any dependents to be classified as residents during the term of active duty and for a two-year period after leaving the armed forces.
  9. A resident of Louisiana shall not lose the right to be classified as a resident during periods of employment in a foreign country.
  10. An alien who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as an immigrant (proof of such status shall be possession of their Form I-551 Alien Registration Receipt Card or passport officially stamped “approved as resident alien”) and who has established residence under any of the foregoing provisions shall be declared a resident of the State.

D. Appeal Committee

The president of each institution shall be authorized to appoint a Residence Rules Appeal Committee. Any student classified as a nonresident may appeal their classification to this committee. Interpretations on residence qualifications may be submitted to Board Staff for clarification.

E. Incorrect Classification

All students classified incorrectly as residents are subject to reclassification and payment of all nonresident fees not paid. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts by the student, the student is also subject to University discipline.

Residency and Tuition Regulations for Veterans

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill - Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in Louisiana while attending a school located in Louisiana (regardless of their formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Louisiana while attending a school located in Louisiana (regardless of their formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while they remain continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three-year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b) (9)) who lives in Louisiana while attending a school located in Louisiana (regardless of their formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Louisiana while attending a school located in Louisiana (regardless of their formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) as amended.

Nonresident Tuition Surcharge
For purposes of United States active duty military and individuals receiving VA benefits, their eligibility for in-state tuition and fees shall be consistent with Regents’ Policy or requirements to maintain approval for VA education benefits under applicable law, 38 U.S.C. 3679(c), whichever is more favorable.

Medical Records Regulations

To assist the University in safeguarding a student’s health, it is the responsibility of the student and their parents to make known any abnormality or significant medical condition and to obtain an appropriate description of the condition from a physician.

Louisiana Law requires that students be immunized against preventable and communicable disease, including but not limited to measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus-diphtheria, and meningitis. New students born in 1957 and afterward must provide proof of immunization on the designated form. To assist the University, the student must make known any significant medical condition and obtain an appropriate description of the condition from a physician.

Housing Regulations

A. Campus Living Costs

Students living on campus are required to pay room and meal fees. Room and meal fees must be paid according to the payment plan selected at or before registration. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Housing costs vary depending on the residence hall or apartment in which the student lives, as well as on whether the residence is a private room or one with multiple occupants. Meal plans vary by the number of weekly meals provided. Specific information regarding room and board rates and policies are available from the Housing Office and the University’s web site

Housing Information

  1. Semester Periods
    Semesters for housing purposes shall be defined as the period beginning with the first day of classes for an individual semester and ending at 2:00 p.m. the day after the last day of regularly scheduled finals for that semester. The period covered by room and board charges shall be for the semester indicated on the application and shall not include any break periods.
  2. Semester Breaks
    Periods between semesters are called breaks. Limited housing without meals may be offered for the breaks between semesters. Students interested in such housing must apply at the Housing Office and pay a specified fee prior to the day before the first day of finals for the semester immediately preceding the break requested.
  3. Rental Rates and Payments
    Rates listed for residence halls are per person, per semester.
  4. Application Process
    Applications must be submitted with the appropriate fees. Assignments are made for an academic year; therefore, those students attending school for the fall semester will have the same room assignment in the spring. When requesting a residence hall assignment, consider the characteristics of each hall. If requesting a private room, so indicate on the application and submit the appropriate fees.
  5. Assignments
    Residence hall assignments are based on the date the deposit and prepayment are received in Housing.
    Residence hall and roommate preferences may be indicated on the application, and when possible, these preferences will be granted if both parties have applied before the deadline and have made the necessary deposits and prepayments.
  6. Roommates
    Students who wish to room together in the residence hall should submit their housing application together and request each other as roommates. Every effort will be made to honor roommate requests. Be sure that each person meets the requirements of the requested hall if restrictions apply.
  7. The Residence Halls
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette has 6 residence halls. Each hall has reception areas and microwaves, computer labs, study rooms and laundry facilities.
  8. Rooms
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s residence halls are equipped with air-conditioning, twin-size beds, mini-blinds, desks, drawers, closets, local telephone service, including voice-mail service and cable television service. Students must provide their own telephone and television. Only touch-tone telephones can access the voice-mail system.
  9. Regulations
    Residents of Housing on the University of Louisiana at Lafayette campus are subject to the stipulations of the housing application sheet, room and board rate sheet, residence hall handbook, and code of student conduct. If a student has questions, they should contact or visit the Housing
    Office: Department of Housing
    Student Union, Room 240
    P. O. Box 42690
    Lafayette, LA 70504
    Phone: (337) 482-6471
    Fax: (337) 482-6124
  10. Family Housing
    Family housing is available for students that are married or have dependent children in their care. For more information contact the Housing Office.
  11. Miscellaneous Fees and Lines
    A fee of .10 per check will be charged to students cashing checks in the Student Cashiers Center and Business Office. In addition, a $15.00 penalty will be assessed for any NSF check returned by the bank.
  12. Campus Living Cost Refunds
    Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University may apply for a refund of room and board costs. If approved, refunds are made according to the housing refund schedule.

B. Housing Regulations

The University recognizes that a student’s total education is influenced by the nature and quality of the living environment in the Residence Halls that will be conducive to broad intellectual growth and greater participation in the life of the academic community.

A University of Louisiana System rule requires that all unmarried, full-time undergraduate students, regardless of age or whether or not emancipated, live in on-campus residence halls as long as space is available. The rule further states that in the event a College or University under the Board of Supervisors cannot provide adequate housing for all students in this category, they may be exempt according to the following priorities: (1) Those students residing with parents, grandparents, married brother or married sister, or in supervised fraternity or sorority housing; (2) Seniors; (3) Juniors; (4) Sophomores; (5) Freshmen. Since the University can house only a relatively small percent of its enrollment, the first three categories have been automatically exempted. Therefore, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette requires that all full time freshman students:

  1. Reside on campus in the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Residence Halls, or
  2. Apply for and receive an exemption from this requirement. Such applications for exemption must be made at the Housing Office, Student Union, Room 240, at any time but prior to the first day of classes for the spring or fall semester at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. (If you are enrolling for the summer session you need not live in University housing; however, if you wish to be exempt from living in University housing during the fall semester you must apply for such exemption.) It should also be pointed out that the same State Board resolution requires all students residing on campus to have included as a part of the cost of such housing, the cost of dining.

    Applications for University Residence Halls are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with the date on which the application and $100.00 deposit and $100.00 prepayment are received, establishing the priority. Louisiana residents are given preference over out-of-state students. Refund of the $100.00 deposit will not be made unless cancellation is received thirty days prior to the opening of the session for which the reservation was made.

    Students must contract for housing on a yearly basis. This means students entering into a contract will be required to live in the Residence Halls for the entire academic year (August to May). Residence Hall accommodations are operated on a basis to include room, meal, phone, and cable; that is, all students living in the Residence Halls must pay for these services. Payment for an entire semester’s room, meals, cable, and phone must be made according to the payment plan schedule chosen.

    Applications for apartments for families are processed in the order they are received. The application must be submitted along with a non-refundable $50.00 application fee in order to be put on the waiting list.

Parking Regulations

An automobile that is operated and parked on campus must be registered at the Office of Transportation Services. The Office of Transportation Services has three types of parking lots: prime, non-prime and residence hall zones. Prime lots are located on campus; less expensive non-prime zones are located off campus. Residence hall zones are limited to residence hall students with vehicles. Residents must purchase a permit at the Office of Transportation Services each semester. The only exception is residents of Legacy Park, who purchase a permit yearly. To obtain a parking permit, students must present vehicle registration, pictured ID, PID number, and the appropriate fee. Cajun Field and zone 40 (Bourgeois Hall) no longer require a permit to park. The UL Lafayette Transit System provides eleven passenger buses to transport users to the center of campus. Parking and Transit also operates two evening shuttles for student convenience.

Traffic regulations are available on the Office of Transportation Services website. Tickets may be appealed on the website however, all such appeals must be filed within ninety-six hours following the issuance of the ticket. Violations may be paid at the office in Olivier Tower parking garage, Suite 100.

Institutional Policy on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a Federal law which states that a written institutional policy must be established and that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available. The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student education records.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette accords all the rights under the law to students who are declared independent of their parents. No one outside the institution shall have access to nor will the institution disclose any information from students’ education records without the written consent of students except to some personnel within the institution, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing students financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health and safety of students or other persons, and to parents who present sufficient evidence that the student is dependent upon them for their financial support (e.g. Income Tax Form 1040, etc.). All these exceptions are permitted under the Act.

Within the University of Louisiana at Lafayette community, only those members, individually or collectively, acting in the students’ educational interest is allowed access to student education records. These members include personnel in the Office of the Registrar, Business Office, Financial Aid Office, the Office of Admissions, Academic Deans, academic department heads, academic advisors, and other academic personnel within the limitations of their need to know.

At its discretion the institution may provide Directory information in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Directory information at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette includes: student name, address(es), telephone number(s), classification, email address, photograph, place and date of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and date received, academic awards and honors, the most recent previous education agency or institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Directory information on currently enrolled students will generally be disclosed only by the Office of the Registrar and the Office of the Dean of Students. Directory information on students not currently enrolled will be disclosed in the Office of the Registrar. Directory information for students not currently enrolled consists of student name, home address, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, degrees and date received, and the most recent previous educational institutions attended. Students may withhold Directory information by filing an official request for non-disclosure form in writing within the first week of classes. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Requests for non-disclosure will be honored by the University. Authorization to withhold Directory information must be filed in the Office of the Registrar.

The law provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in their education records, to challenge the contents of their education records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if they feel the decisions of the hearing panels to be unacceptable. The following officials at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have been designated to coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student education records: permanent academic records, the Registrar; admission records, the Director of Admissions; personnel records, the Dean of Students; other academic records, the Academic Deans; and financial records, the Vice President for Business Affairs.

Students wishing to review and inspect their education records must make written requests to the respective department head or division head of the department listing the item or items of interest. Only records covered by the Act will be made available, as soon as possible but always within forty-five days of the request. Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by the Act: financial information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment or job placement, or honors to which they have waived in writing their rights to inspect and review; or education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the University will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student. The University is not required to permit students to inspect and review confidential letters and recommendations placed in their files prior to January 1, 1975, provided those letters were collected under established policies of confidentiality and were used only for the purposes for which they were collected.

Any student who believes that their education records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading, or are otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights may discuss their problems informally with the respective Department or Division Head. If the decisions are in agreement with the student’s request, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, the student will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended and why. The student will then be informed of their right to appeal to the next higher authority (e.g., student advisor, to department head, to Dean). If the request is not resolved administratively the student may request a formal hearing. Student requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the individual designated, who will present the case to the appropriate University Committee. The hearing panels which will adjudicate such challenges will be the Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards, the Fee Committee, and the Discipline Committee.

Decisions of the hearing panels will be final, will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. If the decisions are in favor of the student, the education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decisions of the hearing panels. If the decisions are unsatisfactory to the student, the student may place with the education records statements commenting on the information in the records, or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decisions of the hearing panels. The statements will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the student’s records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed. Students who believe that the adjudication of their challenges were unfair, or not in keeping with the provisions of the Act may request in writing assistance from the President of the University. Further, students who believe that their rights have been abridged may file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA), Department of Education, Washington, D. C. 20202, concerning the alleged failures of The University of Louisiana at Lafayette to comply with the Act.

Revisions and clarifications will be published as experience with the law and the University’s policy warrants.

Undergraduate Course and Credit Regulations

Credit Hour Definition

A credit is a measurement of course work completed satisfactorily. For purposes of the application of this policy and in accord with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement of outcomes that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:

  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or 
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

A specified number of credits must be earned for a degree.

Other colleges and universities may operate on a “quarter basis,” that is, dividing the year into four quarters and giving quarter credits. Quarter credits multiplied by two-thirds equal semester credits. Semester credits multiplied by one and one-half equal quarter credits.

Curriculum Definition

The term curriculum is generally used to refer to the total academic program of the University or the academic program of a single college or the academic program of an individual department. The curriculum thus includes both course offerings and degree programs.

Classification of Courses

Undergraduate courses are numbered 100-400 and are offered only to undergraduate students. Courses numbered 400-499 may be designated with a G, which means that graduate students must take them for graduate credit. Instructors are required to distinguish different assignments and grading practices for graduate and undergraduate students in 400G courses. The level of the course is represented by the first digit of the course number and are defined as:

  • Freshman 100-199
  • Sophomore 200-299
  • Junior 300-399
  • SeniorG 400-499

Credit Hour Policy

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette adheres to the Louisiana State Board of Regents’ Seat-time Policy for Academic Credit, which states, in part, that

All classes [awarding three credits] must be of reasonable length and include both content and contact sufficient to maintain high academic quality and standards commensurate with credit hours awarded for a “traditional” three semester-hour lecture class.

The student learning outcomes for a course must be the same, regardless of whether the credit hour(s) is/are delivered int he traditional format or through equivalent academic activities. For online, hybrid, or other courses offered in non-traditional format where no traditional course section is available for comparison, courses must include contact and content sufficient to maintain high academic quality and standards commensurate with credit hours awarded and parallel to equivalent face-to-face courses. This includes but is not limited to internships, independent studies, experiential learning activities, and online courses. For all modes of delivery, instructors’ expectations for learner participation in required course interactions (frequency, length, time minimums) must be clearly stated, and must constitute equivalent instruction to other modes of deliver of the same or similar course material.

Transfer of Credit Policy

The Office of Admissions evaluates transfer credentials to determine which credits are acceptable by the University; however, the student’s academic dean is responsible for determining which of these credits may be applied in a particular baccalaureate degree program. Although all credits may be accepted by the University (Office of Admissions) and recorded on the student’s University of Louisiana at Lafayette permanent record, these credits are not necessarily applicable to a degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. A prospective transfer student should refer to the introduction section of the appropriate college in this Catalog for the transfer of credit policy of that college. A student who feels that an error has been made in the evaluation of transfer credit should initiate a review of his/her record in the office of the student’s academic dean.

Credit for work successfully completed at a regionally accredited college or university or, in some cases, at a non-accredited institution will be accepted by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in accordance with the following provisions:

Credits from non-accredited institutions will be evaluated on the basis of the recommendations contained in the current issue of Transfer Credit Practices of Selected Educational Institutions, published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and in accordance with current Office of Admissions policy. Copies of these documents are available for inspection in the Office of Admissions.

Credit in courses from foreign colleges and universities may be accepted based on an interpretation of the credits by the Office of Admissions and the student’s academic dean.

All regulations governing transfer credit will apply regardless of when these credits were earned; however, students are cautioned that credits which are over 10 years old may be applied toward degree requirements only with the approval of the student’s academic dean.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette students who attend another college or university during a summer or other term and wish to transfer earned credits to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette are governed by these regulations; however, students are cautioned that their academic dean determines which of these transfer credits, if any, are applicable toward a degree. University of Louisiana at Lafayette students who plan to pursue work at another university are urged to consult with their academic dean concerning the applicability of such work prior to leaving the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Although the number of credits acceptable from a junior college or community college by the University is unlimited, transfer students are cautioned that the student’s academic dean determines which of these credits are applicable toward a degree. The maximum number from a junior college or community college applicable toward a degree is 60 semester hours or fifty percent of the total required for a baccalaureate degree.

Credit earned through correspondence study and other non-traditional credit, earned in any way other than through residence study, is awarded according to university policy as stated in Section VIII (Credit By Other Means) regardless of the policy of the sending institution. Credit earned by departmental or institutional examinations at other regionally accredited colleges and universities and listed on an official transcript is accepted in the same way that residence credit earned in those institutions is accepted.

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette will recognize course credits from regionally accredited institutions at the level at which they were taught at the credit-granting institution. When transfer credits are received at the lower level but the course is taught at the advanced level at University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the Dean may substitute up to six semester hours of transfer credits for six semester hours of advanced level credits in fulfilling the 45 hour requirement.