2013-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Architecture and Design
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Undergraduate Degree Requirements
Special Requirements for the School of Architecture and Design
The following regulations pertain to all students within the School of Architecture and Design:
- “C” Requirement: The School of Architecture and Design requires students to earn a “C” or better in all courses required in the curricula for the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies. The Bachelor of Interior Design and Industrial Design degrees require students to make a “C” or better in all courses with the exception of MATH 103 or MATH 105 . Students must earn a “D” or better in MATH 103 or MATH 105 .
- Second-year admission requirements: The purpose of the Review is to ensure that students have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the program and enter the competitive fields of architecture, industrial design and interior design after completion of the basic design sequence. Two reviews, each lasting one to two days, will take place at the conclusion of both spring and summer semesters. During these reviews, the First-year Review Committee will evaluate each student’s portfolio to determine if the candidate has demonstrated an adequate grasp of the material covered within the first year design sequence. Additional consideration will be given to overall academic performance. In either case, the number of desks available in that program will limit the number of students entering any design program.
The portfolio must be received by the specified date and time. WORK RECEIVED AFTER THIS POINT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. Contact the office of the School of Architecture and Design for specific dates. These portfolios as a minimum must be at least ten 8-1/2” x 11” pages and should consist of no more than twenty pages and must feature work from the following courses:
DSGN 101 - Basic Design I
DSGN 102 - Basic Design II
Upon completing this review, the Committee will give a final assessment to each candidate. Only students who receive an “accepted” review will be allowed to enroll in the second-year design courses. In addition to assessment of each student’s design performance, academic performance will be assessed. The following courses are required for consideration for admission to the sophomore year of major study in addition to maintaining a minimum 2.4 cumulative GPA.
DSGN 101 - Basic Design I
DSGN 102 - Basic Design II
DSGN 121 - Survey of Design (architecture majors only)
ENGL 101 - Introduction to Academic Writing
ENGL 102 - Writing and Research About Culture
MATH 103 or MATH 105 , (MATH 140 or MATH 143 )
The following courses are recommended for admission to second year:
VIAR 121 - Survey of the Visual Arts I (industrial and interior design majors only)
VIAR 122 - Survey of the Arts II (industrial and interior design majors only)
Students who have failed to complete any of the above including MATH 103 /MATH 105 , (MATH 140 or MATH 143 ), or were unable to maintain a minimum of 2.4 cumulative GPA will not be admitted into the program.
- Third-year and fourth-year admission requirements: The School requires its students to complete all first-year courses in its curriculum before they can enroll in its third-year courses; their second-year courses before they enroll in their fourth-year courses. Once a student is accepted into the sophomore year of their specific design studio sequence they are required to maintain a minimum cumulative 2.4 (minimum 2.6 for Architecture) UL Lafayette grade point average (GPA). Any student who does not meet the minimum academic qualification will not be allowed to enroll in these courses. Students taking and failing any studio course at UL Lafayette must retake and pass that course at UL Lafayette in order to receive credit and to advance to the next higher course in the design sequence. Students must complete any co-requisites for studio courses prior to enrolling in next studio course. Only courses taken at UL Lafayette or other approved institutions will raise or lower the UL Lafayette average. Consideration will be given to overall studio performance. The number of desks available in the program will limit the number of students entering any design program.
- Double “D” rule: Students who earn a grade of “D” in the following freshman, sophomore or junior design studio courses, i.e. ARCH 201 , ARCH 301 ; INDN 201 , INDN 301 ; INDS 201 , INDS 301 ; will be able to enroll in the next sequential design course and must earn a grade of “C” or better in that course to continue in the design studio sequence. Any student who receives a grade of “D” for two sequential design courses (or one “D” and one “F”) must repeat both semesters of these design courses and receive a grade of “C” or better in both courses in order to enroll in the next level of design. Any student receiving an “F” in studio must repeat the course and receive a “C” or better in order to enroll in the next level of design. A maximum of one “D” in the following studio design courses DSGN 101 , ARCH 201 , ARCH 301 ; INDN 201 , INDN 301 ; INDS 201 , INDS 301 ; will be accepted to meet degree requirements.
- A student may not attempt any design studio more than twice. Any student who takes and does not pass a studio two times may appeal to a committee of faculty for a wavier to take a course for the third time. The committee will assess these requests on a case by case basis.
- Studio re-entry: Any student sitting out of a studio sequence for more than one semester must submit a portfolio for review to determine if the student will be granted re-entry in the studio sequence.
- School of Architecture and Design majors may pursue minors within or outside of the School of Architecture and Design. These minors may require additional courses and may cause delay in anticipated graduation date. Consult with the department of your chosen minor for specific courses needed to complete the minor. In order for the minor to appear on the student’s transcript, student must get approval for minor and complete and submit appropriate paperwork along with the degree plan during the semester before expected graduation.
- Computer requirement: Admission to the specific second year major courses is restricted to students that have the required computer hardware and software.
- Retaining coursework: The different accreditation boards require selective documentation of original student-produced course work. The University may retain all materials submitted for credit for accreditation purposes. This material becomes the property of the University for future use in demonstrating student accomplishments in meeting accreditation criteria.
Transfer Requirements
The following pertain to all students transferring into the School of Architecture and Design:
- Evaluation of design studio courses: The School of Architecture and Design requires all students requesting acceptance of transfer credit to submit an official course description of all courses for review before approval of credit and to submit a portfolio for review to the First-year Review Committee. Students are required to submit a portfolio of all design work with samples from each of the years for which credit is requested. The First-year Review Committee is responsible for determining which design courses remain to be taken and which design courses will receive transfer credit. Portfolios must be submitted to the School of Architecture and Design by June 1st for admission to the fall; October 1st for admission to the spring; and March 1st for admission to the summer semesters design courses. WORK RECEIVED AFTER THIS POINT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. These portfolios, as a minimum, must be at least ten 8-1/2” x 11” pages containing work from design studio, graphic communication, and drawing courses. Students completing the requirements for review must receive “accepted” by the Review Committee before entering the approved year level studio courses.
- Evaluation of Core Courses: Courses from other schools, other than architecture, industrial design, interior design or art courses such as those to fulfill the University Core requirements are evaluated by the staff members of the Dean’s Office in the College of the Arts and the University’s Registrar’s Office. The Dean’s Assistant will complete a transcript evaluation or analysis. A copy is then sent to the department.
- The School of Architecture and Design recognizes two categories of transfer students: In the first category (a.) are students transferring into the specific degree program from a discipline-specific accredited program. The second category, (b.), are students transferring from all other majors or programs. In either case, the number of desks available in that program will limit the number of students entering any design program.
- Design studio placement for students transferring from Council for Interior Design Accreditation, NAAB, or NASAD accredited programs will be determined as follows:
- A maximum of two (2) years of design studio credits shall be acceptable for transfer into the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, or the Bachelor of Industrial Design, or the Bachelor of Interior Design.
- Transfer students with previous design course work who do not submit a portfolio for review regardless of the number of studio courses previously taken must enroll in DSGN 102 for architecture, industrial design and interior design majors before studio placement will be determined.
- Students transferring into the School of Architecture and Design from other majors may not be able to graduate necessarily within the traditional four year period. Design studio placement for students transferring from all other majors or programs shall be determined as follows: Students are required to submit a portfolio of all design, graphic, and drawing courses for transfer credit at the First-year Review.
- A maximum of one (1) year of design studio credit shall be acceptable for transfer in either the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, the Bachelor of Industrial Design or the Bachelor of Interior Design degree programs. A review and evaluation of official transcripts of acceptable transfer credits and a portfolio of basic design studio and design work will determine placement and acceptance of design studio credits.
- Transfer students with previous design course work who do not submit a portfolio for review regardless of the number of studio courses previously taken must enroll in DSGN 101 before studio placement will be determined.
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