Mar 10, 2025  
2013-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2013-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Engineering

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Departments and Degree Programs

College of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

Go to information for Department of Chemical Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Go to information for Department of Civil Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering

William Hansen Hall Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Go to information for William Hansen Hall Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering

Master of Science Computer Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Industrial Technology

Go to information for Department of Industrial Technology.


Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Go to information for Department of Mechanical Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Petroleum Engineering

Go to information for Department of Petroleum Engineering.


Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering

Aims and Objectives

The College of Engineering is committed to excellence in education and maintains national accreditation in all of its undergraduate programs. These programs include Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering, as well as the allied field of Industrial Technology. With a view to integrating its role with the educational mission and the statement of purpose of the University, the College directs its activities towards economic development by integrating research and educational activities with industrial collaboration. At the same time, it acts as a technical resource for the local industrial and business communities by providing technology transfer and technical assistance to small and medium-sized companies. Engineering graduates of the College consistently score well on the Fundamentals of Engineering (F.E.) Exam, and graduates of the College find employment locally, nationally, and internationally upon graduation. The Engineering and Industrial Technology curricula emphasize intensive problem solving, “hands-on” laboratory experience, and enhanced management and business knowledge. The basic natural sciences and mathematics together with the humanities and social sciences provide students with a strong education for highly successful entry into the engineering or industrial professions or for further educational studies leading to advanced degrees.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Areas of Specialization

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is concerned with the development and application of manufacturing processes wherein materials undergo a change in composition, energy content, or state of aggregation. The chemical engineering curriculum prepares graduates to meet the challenges of our society. Included is a broad base of engineering and basic sciences. To prepare students for these activities, the curriculum focuses on chemistry, physics and mathematics (including the use of computers), with economics as a background. The department offers elective courses in the specialty areas of materials and bioprocessing. The chemical engineer applies knowledge of new products or procedures gained in the laboratory in basic and applied research to large-scale industrial processes. The chemical engineering curriculum provides a broad background which offers employment in a variety of manufacturing areas. Chemical engineering graduates are found in industries such as oil and gas, refining, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, textiles, materials, environmental, energy conversion, corrosion, medical, bioprocessing, etc.

Civil Engineering

The civil engineer plans, designs, constructs, and operates those physical works and facilities essential to modern life. These include highways and streets connecting cities and neighborhoods, airports for jet planes, pipelines to transport oil and gas, bridges to span rivers and harbors, dams and levees to control floods and conserve water supplies, irrigation works to improve farms, filtration plants and distribution systems for municipal and industrial water supplies, sewage treatment and disposal facilities to maintain health, and a wide variety of concrete, steel, and wooden structures to provide a suitable environment for everyday activities. The civil engineer may become a consulting engineer in private practice, accept employment in industries such as in manufacturing or petroleum, enter the construction field, work with a municipal, state, or federal agency, or engage in teaching and research. This diverse set of activities requires that the student receive a broad basic education in the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences followed by an intensive application of these fundamentals to the complex problems of man in the land-air-water environment.

Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineering curriculum is designed to prepare students for a career in the broad field of electrical engineering. The electrical engineering program builds from a strong foundation of mathematics, physics, and the engineering sciences into a solid core of electrical engineering subjects that include digital logic, circuits, computers, communications, electronics, and electromagnetics. Graduates of the Electrical Engineering program are well prepared for immediate industrial employment or, if they so choose, to advance their studies in graduate school.

Students of Electrical Engineering are introduced to design very early on. Beginning in the freshman year and continuing through the sophomore year students learn top down design in their computer engineering courses; later, as their engineering reasoning matures, hardware problems of increasing complexity involving digital logic, electrical and electronic circuits, microprocessors, and controls are introduced in their electrical engineering courses. All major course sequences within the Electrical Engineering department include instruction in industry standard CAD and simulation software, and are accompanied by one or more laboratories that serve for instruction and the evaluation of designs. The design experience for Electrical Engineering majors culminates in their senior year with a two-semester course sequence. In these courses students divide into groups of two or three and work with a lead professor on a year long project. Each design team must fully document their project and present their final results orally to a panel of Electrical Engineering department faculty members. These defenses are open to the public and are normally well attended by students and faculty alike. The Electrical Engineering program offers concentrations in Computer Engineering and Communications Engineering.

Computer Engineering Concentration

The Communications Engineering concentration is designed to provide professionals who are trained in the field of communications engineering including wireless, optical fiber, satellite, and terrestrial microwave media. They will have exposure to local and long-distance communication networks, the Internet, landline and mobile telephony, etc. In addition to basic principles of modulation, coding, transmission, and switching technologies, they will also have opportunities for additional course work in the economics, finance, management, and regulatory fields. Graduates of the Communications Engineering concentration are well prepared for entry-level positions in the telecommunications industry. Job opportunities in this field fall into four broad areas: (1) providing services (e.g., common carriers), (2) design, manufacture and marketing of products and systems, (3) providing technical expertise for user companies and (4) Policy and regulatory issues.

Communications Engineering Concentration

The Communications Engineering concentration is designed to provide professionals who are trained in the field of communications engineering including wireless, optical fiber, satellite, and terrestrial microwave media. They will have exposure to local and long-distance communication networks, the Internet, landline and mobile telephony, etc. In addition to basic principles of modulation, coding, transmission, and switching technologies, they will also have opportunities for additional course work in the economics, finance, management, and regulatory fields. Graduates of the Communications Engineering concentration are well prepared for entry-level positions in the telecommunications industry. Job opportunities in this field fall into four broad areas: (1) providing services (e.g., common carriers), (2) design, manufacture and marketing of products and systems, (3) providing technical expertise for user companies and (4) Policy and regulatory issues.

Industrial Technology

The Industrial Technology Department offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Degree. The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Degree program is designed to prepare management oriented technical professionals for employment in industry, business, government, and education. Graduates of this program are prepared to seek technical and managerial careers in a variety of fields such as Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mechanical and Fluid Power, Electronics and Computers, Information and Imaging Technology, Construction, and Safety. They also are well prepared to keep up with technology and management issues through continuing education and graduate studies.

Mechanical Engineering

The mechanical engineer is primarily a designer, builder, and tester of equipment used in nearly every facet of industry. The training and technical background of a graduate of this program is applicable to the design, manufacturing, and power industries as well as production, sales management, and research. Because the need for mechanical engineers is almost universal in every industry, graduates are able to choose from a wide variety of fields of specialization as well as geographical location of employment. In recent years, the entire field of design and manufacturing has been revolutionized through the use of the digital computer. The mechanical engineer is at the forefront of the development and use of computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems and robotic devices. From rockets, robots, nuclear engines, steam and nuclear power plants, and air conditioning and refrigeration systems, to oil platforms, automobiles, trucks, farm equipment, computers and spacecraft, the mechanical engineer is a key player in the design and development of these devices and systems. Truly, mechanical engineering is a major and integral part of today’s “hi-tech” revolution. This program prepares students to meet the challenges of a global economy in an increasingly complex and competitive workplace, and to function as team members of an engineering group capable of designing and developing large multidiscipline projects. Effective oral and written communications are emphasized, with emphasis on systems and project engineering.

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering is a unique profession. This branch of engineering is not only concerned with the design and use of wells and well systems for producing oil, gas and other natural resources from the earth, but also for conveying fluids into, out of, or through the earth’s subsurface for scientific, industrial, and other purposes. The role of the Petroleum Engineer is to manage technology and information in global oil and gas operations. UL Lafayette’s Petroleum Engineering students acquire competency in the following areas:

  1. Design and analysis of well systems and procedures for drilling and completing wells;
  2. Characterization and evaluation of subsurface geological formations and their resources using geoscientific and engineering methods;
  3. Design and analysis of systems for producing, injecting, and handling fluids;
  4. Application of reservoir engineering principles and practices for optimizing resource development and management; and
  5. Use of project economics and resource valuation methods for design and decision making under risky and uncertain conditions.

In addition, our Petroleum Engineering graduates must demonstrate a working knowledge of mathematics through differential equations, geoscience, fluid flow, engineering mechanics, thermodynamics, economics, and probability and statistics. The Petroleum Engineer is a vital part of our nation’s effort to achieve a proper balance with energy needs, the economy, and environmental concerns. The mission of the Petroleum Engineering Program is to educate a diverse population of students to become petroleum engineers, to perform applied research that benefits petroleum exploration and production, and to provide service to the industry and public. The mechanism for achieving this mission is through a strong foundation to prepare students for versatile international careers, continued education, public service, and lifelong learning. The program emphasizes applied and multi-disciplinary teamwork in instruction and in research. The vision of the Petroleum Engineering Program is to provide a curriculum which best prepares the students for immediate work application in all areas of petroleum engineering. This will be accomplished through a balanced core and program specific curricula, emphasizing current technology, multi-disciplinary experience, and extensive integration of industry. The objectives of the Petroleum Engineering Program are to provide its students with: 1) broad education; 2) strong foundation in engineering principles and practices; 3) applied problem solving skills; 4) understanding of ethical, social, health, safety, and environmental issues and professional responsibilities, and 5) multi-disciplinary team skills. The constituents of the Petroleum Engineering Program are: a) students; b) faculty; c) industry; d) Advisory Council; e) alumni; f) professional organizations; g) government agencies; h) community. The Department of Petroleum Engineering at UL Lafayette offers a 128 credit hour curriculum leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree. The program is accredited nationally by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). UL Lafayette’s Department of Petroleum Engineering has long shared a unique partnership with the petroleum industry. Situated in the heart of Acadiana, UL Lafayette has fostered a relationship with oil and gas operators, a cooperation that has benefitted both Louisiana’s petroleum industry, the University, and the area’s economy. UL Lafayette resources and expertise help coordinate training programs for oil and gas companies and personnel through continuing education courses. UL Lafayette prides itself on finding solutions to complex engineering problems through classroom projects and research endeavors. Petroleum Engineering Graduates of UL Lafayette are some of the best in the industry and alumni are highly sought after by major production companies, service industry, as well as smaller, independently owned companies.


Admissions Requirements

The University regulations on admissions apply to all entering students. Admission to the University does not constitute acceptance into the College of Engineering or into a particular department within the College. In any area where enrollment may exceed the facilities of the department, it may be necessary to limit the enrollment and the size of classes in that department. In such cases, the department establishes supplemental criteria for admission with the approval of the University administration. Students applying to transfer to a department in the College of Engineering from other departments within the University or from another university must satisfy the departmental admission criteria and the minimum continuing requirements as listed in this section and must receive permission from the Department Head and the Dean of Engineering.

Career Guidance - High School

The various fields of engineering all depend heavily on knowledge of mathematics and physical sciences. Students are urged to take as many mathematics and science courses in high school as possible. A thorough knowledge of English is important to success in any profession. It is recommended that students planning to study engineering complete the following high school courses: Mathematics: Four years, including algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Science: Three to four years, including chemistry and physics. English: Four years.

Junior Division

All first-time students enter the Junior Division. The student’s Junior Division advisor will generally be a faculty member from the major field of study. Advice and guidance is available within the Junior Division regarding the scheduling of courses, eventual choice of a major field of study and development of a career plan during the student’s first year of study. Students who have been admitted with a preferred major in the College of Engineering, who demonstrate a satisfactory scholastic achievement in 30 semester hours of non-remedial courses, including at a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 101  and ENGL 102 , (“C” or better in MATH 105  and passing grade in MATH 210  for ITEC) or equivalent and 18 hours applicable towards the preferred major may apply to enter a department in the College of Engineering. Information on the Junior Division is given elsewhere in this Catalog.

Placement Policies

Every effort is made to place an entering student in the appropriate courses, depending on the student’s achievement and ability, to allow the maximum opportunity for success in engineering, or technology. ACT scores and, in some cases, placement examinations are used for initial placement in mathematics, chemistry, physics and English. First-time freshmen who have special competence may take advanced placement examinations and earn placement credits in several academic areas. Qualified students are encouraged to participate in the University Honors Program. Information on advanced placement and the University Honors Program is located elsewhere in this Catalog.

Mathematics Placement -Beginning students with MATH ACT sub-score of 28 or above, and with at least 8 weeks of trigonometry in high school, may register for MATH 270 , Calculus I, upon entry. Students with MATH ACT sub-scores between 26 - 27 may take the advanced placement test given by the mathematics department or MATH 143 , Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry. Those who do not meet these qualifications and have an ACT sub-score in MATH of at least 23 must take MATH 140, Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry: A Comprehensive Approach. Students requiring Precalculus courses are advised to complete these courses in the summer semester prior to their freshman year.

Chemistry Placement - Students with an ACT mathematics score of or higher may register for CHEM 107 . Students who have completed no chemistry in high school are advised to enroll in CHEM 101  prior to enrolling in CHEM 107 .

Placement of International Students - International students must take placement examinations in English and mathematics. For those with special competence, advanced placement credits may also be earned in chemistry and physics through special examinations in these areas; however, these examinations must be taken immediately upon arrival at this University. Coursework taken in universities outside the U.S. may not be acceptable and will not automatically result in advanced placement.

Transfer Credit

The Admissions Office determines which transfer courses are acceptable to the University; then the appropriate Department Head with the approval of the Dean determines which of these courses are acceptable towards a degree in the College of Engineering. Transfer courses are evaluated on the same basis as courses taken in residence. Courses taken prior to attending UL Lafayette at regionally accredited institutions of higher learning will be accepted toward a degree if they are comparable in time and content with the courses in the student’s curriculum. Once a student is admitted to the College of Engineering, no further transfer credit will be accepted toward a degree unless written permission to take specific courses is obtained from the student’s department head and dean prior to enrolling in courses off campus. Generally, technical courses leading to a two-year associate degree or to a four-year technology degree are accepted only by the Department of Industrial Technology in the College of Engineering. Engineering courses at or above the 300 level will be accepted toward a degree only if they were taken in an engineering program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, (EAC/ABET).Courses in which the student makes less than a “C” grade may not be acceptable but will be evaluated on the same basis as for resident students.

Correspondence Courses - No engineering, mathematics, or science courses taken by correspondence or other non-traditional means are accepted towards a degree in the College of Engineering. Up to twelve hours of other correspondence courses taken through an accredited college may be accepted if they are recommended by the Department Head concerned and approved by the Dean of Engineering in writing.

Minimum Continuing Requirements

All University regulations on academic status apply to all students in the College of Engineering. Grades and Grade Point Averages - The College of Engineering reserves the right to accept toward graduation only credits with a “C” or higher grade in certain courses. Each degree granting department maintains a list of courses in which grades of “C” or higher are required. In addition, where these courses are prerequisite to other courses, the student will not be permitted to register in the next courses until a grade of “C” or higher is attained. Students who fail to maintain either of the following minimum continuing requirements will be dropped from the College of Engineering:

  1. At least a 2.00 adjusted cumulative average on all work pursued.
  2. At least a 2.00 cumulative average on 24 or more semester hours attempted in the major and other engineering courses combined. All courses for which final grades have been recorded, including repeats, are considered as hours attempted.
  3. Must successfully complete at least one course applicable to an engineering program within a 12- month period.

Courses in the College in which a student has earned a grade higher than a “C” may be repeated only with permission of the Dean of Engineering. A student who is ineligible for admission to the College, or who has been dropped from the College, may schedule courses in the College only with permission of the Dean of Engineering. A student dropped from the College may apply to be readmitted after two semesters if he/she presents evidence of having improved his/her background for the selected major including the completion of 30 semester hours of academic work with at least a 2.50 grade point average.

Electives - Electives must be approved by the student’s department head. Lists of University courses which qualify in various elective categories are available in each departmental office. Courses which are prerequisite to, or which contain subject material on a more elementary level than the basic courses required in the curriculum, cannot be applied toward a degree in the College of Engineering. Course Sequence - Students are cautioned to schedule courses in the order listed in their curriculum and to pay careful attention to prerequisites required. Some courses are offered only once each year. Dropping a required course or failing to complete a prerequisite course may delay a student’s graduation by one or two semesters. All courses listed in the freshman year of the major curriculum must be successfully completed before a student will be permitted to register for any junior year course in the major curriculum. All courses listed in the sophomore year of the major curriculum must be successfully completed before a student will be permitted to register for any senior year course in the major curriculum. A student must also be in the Upper Division in order to enroll in any 400 level course.

Auditors - Students may audit courses in the College of Engineering only with permission of the Dean of Engineering.

Specific Degree Requirements of the College of Engineering

Grade Point Average - To be eligible for a Bachelor of Science Degree in the College of Engineering, a student must:

1. Earn at least a 2.0 adjusted cumulative average on all hours pursued at UL Lafayette and earn at least a 2.0 adjusted cumulative average on all hours attempted at all colleges and universities.
2. Earn at least a 2.0 cumulative average on all hours attempted at UL Lafayette in the major department and other engineering courses combined and earn at least a 2.0 cumulative average on all engineering work attempted at all colleges and universities. All major and engineering courses for which final grades have been recorded, including those repeated, are considered as hours attempted. In addition a candidate for a baccalaureate degree must be registered in the major department and must earn in residence a minimum for 24 semester hours in courses in the College of Engineering, of which 15 semester hours must be senior level courses in the major.

Programs and Facilities

Accreditation - In addition to the University’s regional accreditation, the engineering baccalaureate programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, telephone (410) 347-7700. The baccalaureate program in Industrial Technology is accredited by the National Association of Industrial Technology, 3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4200, telephone (734) 677-0720.

Professional Examinations - The examination in fundamentals in engineering (F.E.), leading to certification as an engineering intern (E.I.), is offered on campus twice each school year to engineering seniors and graduates. Successful completion of this examination, while not a requirement for graduation, is required in Louisiana and most other states for professional registration in engineering. Engineering students are urged to take this examination prior to graduation.

Student Engineering Societies
The following engineering societies are maintained by students of the College:

Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society
Louisiana Engineering Society
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Women Engineers

Chemical Engineering:
Omega Chi Epsilon Honor Society
American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Civil Engineering:
Chi Epsilon Honor Society
American Society of Civil Engineers

Electrical Engineering:
Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Industrial Technology:
National Association of Industrial Technology
American Society of Safety Engineers

Mechanical Engineering:
Pi Tau Sigma Honor Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Society of Automotive Engineers International

Petroleum Engineering:
Pi Epsilon Tau Honor Society
Society of Petroleum Engineers

Specialty Minors

The College of Engineering offers five Specialty Minors that allow undergraduate College of Engineering majors to acquire 18 extra hours of specialized expertise while completing their undergraduate program. There are four Specialty Minors available to engineering students. These are: bioprocess engineering, environmental engineering, materials engineering, and technology commercialization. There are two Specialty minors available to ITEC majors. These are: bioprocess technology and technology commercialization. Up to six hours may be double counted toward both the Specialty Minor and the student’s major, depending on the major and minor selected.

Leadership Development Programs

The College of Engineering is very intentional about developing the leadership skills of it students. In addition to the leadership opportunities available for officers in the various student organizations listed above, the following leadership development programs are available.

Engineering Ambassadors

Engineering Ambassadors is a service-based organization sponsored by the College of Engineering that trains highly motivated engineering students to educate the public about the University, the College of Engineering, and the importance of engineering and technology in meeting the ever-changing needs of the modern world. Engineering Ambassadors are carefully selected through an audition process and are trained to make presentations at high schools and to participate in recruitment and enhancement initiatives at both the College and University levels. Participation in Engineering Ambassadors provides students with the tools and training to become confident speakers, better leaders, and to present their ideas clearly and professionally.

Designing Leaders

Designing Leaders is a formal leadership training program designed to train future engineering leaders in the specific leadership skills they will need to rapidly advance their career in the business world. Participation in this innovative and challenging program is determined through an application and selection process. Participants take part in discussions, presentations, and off campus visits which provide a solid foundation for honing leadership skills. The sessions include presentations and open discussions with industry and government experts regarding a wide variety of skills commonly associated with being a successful leader. Topics covered include: defining leadership and learning to lead, communication skills, business procedures, professional development, overview of the political and legal systems, social, cultural, and ecological awareness, the history of technology and its impact on society, and serving as an ambassador for the engineering profession and the university.

Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program

The Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program is a competitive scholarship program for in-coming freshmen, in which eligible students are employed 10 hours/week performing undergraduate research. Students are paired with caring faculty mentors, who tutor the students and involve them in their research program. Participation in the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program can be renewed from year-to-year as long as scholarship qualification criteria are met.


In addition to the financial aid mentioned elsewhere in this catalog, departmental scholarships are available. Department Heads should be contacted for information regarding this funding.

Engineering Professional Standards

Students in the College of Engineering are preparing to enter a profession which demands high ethical standards and practices of its members. The faculty and students of the College of Engineering are required to abide by the “Code of Ethics” of the Louisiana Engineering Society which contains the following statements: “The engineer, to uphold and advance the honor and dignity of the engineering profession and in keeping with high standards of ethical conduct will be honest will be guided by the highest standards of integrity…will not compete unfairly with another engineer will give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due.” Honesty and high ethical standards are demanded of students who are enrolled in the College of Engineering, and it is the student’s right and responsibility to discourage unethical conduct. Unethical acts may result in penalties and even dismissal from the University.

Graduate Studies

The College of Engineering offers the Master of Science in Engineering degree with options available in Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, and Petroleum Engineering and the Master of Science degree in Telecommunications. The Master of Science Degree and the Doctor of Philosophy Degree are offered in Computer Engineering. Information on these programs is presented in the University’s Graduate Catalog.

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