Mar 12, 2025
MLSC 401 - The Army Officer Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Contact Hours: 2 Lab Contact Hours: 3 Development of the Army Officer focusing on advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to plan, resource, and assess training at the small unit level. Cadets learn to support the counseling of subordinates, evaluate performance, values and ethics, career planning, and legal responsibilities through Army programs. Successful planning, preparation, execution, and continuous assessment of the conduct of training at the company or field grade officer level. Includes a weekly lab overseeing MS III lesson facilitation, supervised by ROTC cadre.
Course Notes: The third course in the Army Senior ROTC Program’s Advanced Course curriculum offered only to students that have already contracted/obligated to serve as commissioned officers in the US Army.
Prerequisite(s): MLSC 301 and MLSC 302
MAX number of credit hours applicable to degree: 3
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