Mar 02, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration

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Departments and Degree Programs

B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration


Master of Business Administration

Graduate Certificate


Department of Accounting

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Master of Science


Department of Economics and Finance

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Department of Management

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Department of Marketing and Hospitality

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Vision, Mission and Accreditation


“The Moody College of Business Administration strives to provide quality undergraduate and master’s business education and to create an environment that develops ethical, technologically-capable professionals who have the knowledge and skills to serve our culturally-rich region.”

Revised February 11, 2010

Mission Statement

“Our College, in concert with the University, contributes to the economic prosperity of Acadiana by enabling our diverse student body to succeed in a broad range of organizations and activities. We accomplish this through the following:


  • Admitting, retaining, and graduating quality students.
  • Fostering knowledge and integration of traditional business disciplines.
  • Teaching effective responses to contemporary managerial challenges.
  • Facilitating career progression in a global economic environment.


  • Providing resources to enhance student learning.
  • Supporting career development to maintain academic or professional qualifications.
  • Promoting research that complements our educational initiatives.
  • Encouraging faculty service to the University, the region, and the profession.


  • Developing and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships with employers and other organizations.
  • Collaborating with organizations to assist with their mission accomplishment.
  • Preparing graduates to meet current and future employment needs.
  • Promoting regional economic and cultural development.

Through these efforts, the College is recognized as Acadiana’s leading provider of quality undergraduate and master’s business education, as affirmed through accreditation maintenance and by stakeholders.”


The B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration is accredited by the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International).

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Areas of Specialization

Students can specialize within the business program by choosing a major. Additionally, students can complement their major with a minor. Superior students can also choose to pursue a double major. All areas of specialization selected by a student must be approved within the college.


The B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration offers eight majors: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Management, Professional Land and Resource Management, Marketing, and Hospitality Management. Students must select one of the following nine major fields upon entering the College.


The B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration offers several minors for business and non-business majors. Following are the minors and their requirements:

International Business Specialization Options

Students can specialize in international business with one of the three following options: (a) an International Business Minor, (b) an International Business Concentration, or (c) an International Language and Culture Minor. The international business concentration will not appear on the diploma.

(a) International Business Minor for Business Majors

Students in any business major can earn an International Business Minor, by completing nine hours of internationally-focused business courses and nine hours of international electives. The nine hours of international electives must be chosen from one of five world region tracks: Africa, Europe, Latin America, Middle East or Asia. Students must consult the International Business Coordinator in the college to plan the courses for this minor.

(b) International Business Concentration for Business Majors

Students wishing to earn an International Business Concentration associated with their respective major must complete four required courses as follows: (1) six hours of study abroad courses or three hours of an international internship and three hours of foreign language at the 200 level or above or six hours of foreign language at the 200 level or above; and (2) two international courses, one of which is within the functional area of study (e.g. international finance for finance majors) and one from another functional area of study within the College. If the student’s area of study does not have an international course, two international courses may be taken from other functional areas of study. The IB concentration student is encouraged to choose from the following non-business electives: History elective (HIST 110 , 327 , 330 , 343 , 361 , 362 ) and BHSC elective (ANTH 201 ; POLS 220 , 360 , 425(G) , 467(G) ; SOCI 100  or SOCI 310 ; GEOG 103 , 306 , 311 , 313 , 315 , 317 , 319 , 367 ). The IB concentration student is encouraged to achieve foreign language proficiency and cultural awareness by selectively taking additional cultural and language courses listed within the cultural and language minors.

(c) International Language and Culture Minors for Business Majors

Students in any business major may choose to follow either of the International Language and Culture Minors (Francophone or Hispanic). The Francophone minor includes FREN 201 , FREN 202 , four credits in French electives (two credits must be at the 300 or 400 level; two credits may be 200, 300, or 400 level); plus three credits in literature (ENGL 321 , 322 ; FORL 331 , 332 ; and FREN 311 , 425(G) , 471 , 472 , 481(G) , 491(G) , 492(G) ); three credits in Behavioral Science (GEOL 311 ; and POLS 220 , 360 ) and three credits in History (313 , 315 , 316 , 317 , 318 , 327 , 330 ). The Hispanic Minor includes SPAN 201 , 203 and four credits in Spanish electives (two credits must be at the 300 or 400 level; two credits may be 200, 300, or 400 level); plus the three credits in literature (ENGL 321 , 322 ; FORL 331 , 332 ; SPAN 340 , 431 , 432 , 441 , 442 , 480(G) , 491(G) , 492(G) ); three credits in Behavioral Science (GEOL 311 ; POLS 220 , 360 ); and three credits in History (313 , 315 , 316 , 317 , 318 , 327 , 351 , 352 ).

Business Minors for Non-Business Students

Non-business students may obtain a business minor that provides fundamental coverage of the basic business disciplines. The 18-hour business minor includes Accounting 201 , Economics 201 , 202  or 300 , Finance 300 , Management 320 , Marketing 345 , and Business Law 310  or an approved business elective.


Admission Requirements

Junior Division. University regulations on admissions apply to all entering students. First-time students enter the Junior Division where guidance is available regarding scheduling of courses, choosing a major field of study, and developing a career plan during the student’s first two years of study. All students are assigned an advisor from among the business faculty, and are encouraged to meet with the assigned academic advisor regularly.

Upper Division. Students may apply for admission to the Upper Division of the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration after completing a minimum of 30 semester hours, not including developmental work, with a minimum 2.30 adjusted GPA. In addition, the student must have earned credit for one of the courses that satisfy the general education science requirement and earned a minimum grade of “C” in English 102 , Accounting 201 , Economics 201 , Economics 202 , University 200  or a “Computer Proficiency” exam, and Math 100  or Math 105 .

Only students in Upper Division may register for 300 and 400-level courses offered by the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration. This policy is strictly enforced and applies to all majors campus-wide.

Transfer Credit

After transfer students are admitted to the University, their transcripts are reviewed in the Dean’s office. Courses completed elsewhere are individually accepted or rejected based on comparability to courses at UL Lafayette.

Business courses more than 10 years old will require either a proficiency exam in the content area or recommendation of acceptance by the department head of the content area. All recommendations for acceptance will require final approval of the Dean.

In addition to general University regulations concerning transfer credit and degree requirements, a transfer student pursuing the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration must complete at least fifty percent of the business credit hours required for the degree at UL Lafayette.

Catalog Requirements

Transfer students must fulfill catalog requirements in effect at the time of their transfers. This applies to all students who transfer from another university or from another college at UL Lafayette.

Students transferring from one department to another within the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration (i.e., changing majors within the College) may remain under their original catalog requirements so long as they have been continuously enrolled in the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration and otherwise are eligible to do so.

Specific Degree Requirements

A baccalaureate degree of the College requires a cumulative 2.30 GPA; a grade of “C” or better in each major course and each common body of knowledge (CBK) course; and a minimum of 120 semester hours.

Students are responsible for reporting to their departmental office their graduation plans prior to the final year of study. A graduation check-out sheet, which outlines the student’s current scholastic position and the course requirements remaining for the degree, is then prepared and forwarded to the Dean’s office for final checking and approval.

All graduating seniors must take the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Business Field Examination or other assessment exams specified by the College.


Students are encouraged to pursue internship opportunities in their major field of study during their junior and senior years. The College has a large network of companies where students can learn more about their chosen careers and various jobs available to them upon graduation. Resources available to students seeking internships include a designated internship advisor for each major area of study within the college, a graduate student internship coordinator, and a faculty internship director. Credit for internships is granted as business electives only with the prior approval of the major department’s internship advisor and the college’s internship director. All internships include a required academic component and a minimum number of work hours. Only three hours of credit for internships apply toward the student’s degree program. Students must have a minimum adjusted grade point average of 2.5 to participate in an internship.

General Education Requirements

At least forty-five hours of course work at the 300-400 level must be satisfactorily completed. The forty-five hours can include business as well as non-business courses. Developmental courses cannot be used toward a degree.

Selection of electives must follow University regulations. In general, electives may not be courses which are prerequisite to or which contain subject material on a more elementary level than courses already completed or required in the student’s curriculum.

  1. Approved courses which meet the three-hour Communication elective in the Core Curriculum are as follows: CMCN 100 , 202 , or 310 
  2. A three-hour Arts elective must be selected from DANC, MUS, THEA, or VIAR.
  3. PHIL 316  is required for all business majors. MATH 250  is required for all majors except Hospitality Management.
Common Body of Knowledge

All baccalaureate students in the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration must complete a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK), or Core Requirement, consisting of the following courses: Accounting 201 -202 ; Economics 201 -202 ; Business Systems, Analysis, and Technology 382 ; Finance 300 ; Quantitative Methods 251 ; Business Law 310 ; Management 320 , 490 ; Marketing 345 ; Business Systems, Analysis, and Technology 303  or Accounting 333 ; and an appropriate international business course designated by the department. A grade of “C” or better is required in each course.

Retention Policy

Any student in the Upper Division of the B. I. Moody III College of Business Administration who fails to maintain an adjusted average of 2.30 or greater will be allowed one regular semester to raise the adjusted average to a 2.30. If at the conclusion of that semester the required average has not been attained, the student will be dropped from the Upper Division of the College.

Graduate Studies

The Moody College of Business offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA) which includes an option in health care administration. Undergraduate business majors, with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, wishing to pursue the MBA program on graduation are encouraged to speak to the MBA program director to take advantage of a provisional admission at the end of their junior year. Similarly, non-business majors are encouraged to take the Pre-MBA minor and consult the MBA program director at the end of their junior year. Engineering students may wish to consider a dual admission into a Masters in Engineering and the MBA programs.

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